3 questions about the MV at freeway speedsgreenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
3 questions regarding the MV at freeway speeds:1. How is the responsiveness of the MV in the lower & mid rpm range (3,000 to 5,000 rpm)?
2. How is the MV's 60mph to 80mph top gear accleration?
3. At freeway speeds (70 mph), what is the MV's rpm in 6th?
Thank you.
-- Allan Gibbs (Agibbs748@aol.com), August 20, 2000
anwers on jour questions: 1 responsiv on throttle is oke,but accelration on low rpm(3000 to 6000 rpm)is lasy. 2 still lasy 3 about 5000 rpm The mv has a engine that is powered by high revs.Over 7000 rpm it is a canonball.greetings, Ben
-- Ben.P (duc@rendo.dekooi.nl), August 21, 2000.
RPM at 70mph is about 5000
-- Masis Yeterian Jr. (masisludiy@aol.com), September 11, 2000.