looking for cheap land possible fixer upper housegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
looking for a smale farm or ranch, fixer ok. Have smale down plus 2.5 acres of land in southern oregon.owner carry would be a plus.interested in ok. mo. tx. ar. areas.I would really appreaciate it. thank you for your time,The zylstra's
-- Christopher J. Zylstra (SeeDZell@aol.com), August 18, 2000
Southeast Missouri has some excellent bargains but you will need to be able to handle poverty pretty well.. Because if you don't bring it with you, you probably won't make it in this area.. Most jobs are still minimum wage so self-sufficiency would be a big plus.. There are opportunities don't get me wrong..but a very limited way of life would await you.. this is still the Ozarks and not alot has changed in the past 20 years..this is definitely country living at a basic level.. there are still people that have no indoor plumbing, heat with only wood, and still use wringer washing machines, but the land can be reasonably purchased and there is alot of owner financing available..alot of gravel roads.. not many people will sell under 10 acres..but homesteads can be found for less..just have to really look..can click on reality sites and explore the possibilities..alot of what you want is probably unlisted ..sure hope I haven't put a damper on your plans. It sounds quaint but can definitely be a struggle.
-- Lynn (mscratch@clnet.net), October 31, 2000.
Hi, I have a few homes for sale, one in Oklahoma for $7000. It's all brick, 2206 sq.ft. 5 br, 2, ba. I live in Oregon presently. I also have a large duplex in Virginia. Several parcels and lots around the country. E-mail me, or call toll free. Maybe we can find something for you. 1-800-631-3488
-- Stephen Fox (the5foxes@yahoo.com), June 09, 2001.