Honeymoon Special/sewingmachinegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I got a sewing machine from a friend. She never used it to sew much. It belonged to her grandmother, who is no longer with us. But it does work. I need to know who makes these machines? Where I can find needles? Where I can find a back plate for it as it tends to get oil on fabric without it. And last but not least, where to find belts for it as I just broke this one playing with it. Oh! and if I could get a picture, or diagram, or book on it that would be GREAT. Thanks.
-- Bonnie (josabo1@juno.com), August 18, 2000
Bonnie:As I have commented on other posts, please give more details. What brand of sewing machine do you have? From your description I assume it is a treadle. There were about a half-dozen brands. If you can find a plate with a patent number, I can give you the year of the patent.
-- Ken S. in TN (scharabo@aol.com), August 18, 2000.
If you can't find a brand name on it anywhere, you could try looking at the pictures of machines on Ebay -- it might give you some clues!
-- Joy Froelich (dragnfly@chorus.net), August 19, 2000.
It is a treadle machine,( I think ) Has a foot pedal.Not electric. It is still dirty but I can see on the plate that slides forward to get to the bobbin ( shuttle? ) a W-545. I don't see any other names on it. On top it seems to have some sort of tension devise? I probably make no sence at all. It is real pretty though or once was. It has gold and silver floral stuff with a ittle red and green too. The belt sort of looked like leather cord.
-- Bonnie (josabo1@juno.com), August 19, 2000.
Sorry Ken, The only name I see is " Honeymoon special " ( honeymoon is written real pretty and special is smaller and right below honey moon. Across the machine itself. The number w-545 is on the foot Plate? I guess that is what you call the door to the bobbin thing.Though it does not look like a bobbin. Looks more like a mix between a bullet and a lipstick. ( sorry, that's best I could do )The thing the thread goes on looks kind of like a nail with two heads?And it goes in this thing.And is where a bobbin would be.Sorry to be so stupid.
-- Bonnie (josabo1@juno.com), August 19, 2000.
Sounds like an old Singer. My grandma had one like that. The "nail thing" is indeed the bobbin. When you are sitting in front of the machine, on the right hand side, top front (facing you) should be a little dohickey where the bobbin fits in for threading. There should also be a bullet-shaped holder for the bobbin to go into.For parts -- good luck!!! -- you might try contacting Singer directly -- or try any local "junk" shop -- farm auctions are good, too. You might also be able to take the belt you broke to an upholsterer or tailor. They might be able to rig up some sort of replacement for you.
-- Tracy (trimmer@westzone.com), August 20, 2000.
Lehman's has belts. And I've got an email address from someone who specializes in antique sewing machines. I'll try and find it and send to you.
-- Deborah (ActuaryMom@hotmail.com), August 20, 2000.
I think there was a thread here by someone who worked with antique machines, wasn't there. Maybe look back through the misc. and uncategorized, see if you can find it there!
-- Joy Froelich (dragnfly@chorus.net), August 20, 2000.
Now that I said that, I, of course, had to go back and look! I found this thread:http://www.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=003SCV
Sorry, you'll have to copy and paste -- I don't know how to make a link. I wish someone who does would post the instructions.
-- Joy Froelich (dragnfly@chorus.net), August 20, 2000.
If you cannot find a belt elsewhere, I think I have a spare one. I bought a treadle machine about 20 years ago. Took out the sewing machine and used it as a stereo cabinet. Now my TV sits on it. In a pinch you can use several laps of twine.
-- Ken S. in TN (scharabo@aol.com), August 21, 2000.
Ken , do you by any chance have the back plate off your old machine? I need one of those too.If I only knew for sure who made it I could see if they could get me one or something for the parts. I plan to use it if I can find parts to fix it.
-- Bonnie (josabo1@juno.com), August 21, 2000.
Hi, Bonnie... I bought a belt from a reular sewing machine store. There is a guy who calles himself Captain Dick in the Seattle area who has a lot of things for old machines.. He has a web site but I don't know what it is..If it was a Singer it would have the name in the head and also in the metal of the stand..I'll look for the Capt. Dick web site and get back to you.. I love old Singers. I have about 16 of them... Doris in Idaho
-- Doris Richards (dorisquilts@webtv.net), August 23, 2000.
Bonnie- I have an old Honeymoon too. It is complete except for the presser foot. I have not found one yet, but haven't done an extensive search. The leather belts are pretty standard and in NY state Joann's Fabrics carries them. Any area where there is a good size Minonite or Amish community will stock some parts for treadle machines. Of course, I still don't have a presser foot, so if anyone has an idea please email me. My next idea is to have one made. Louise
-- Louise Sinesio (fiascofarm@earthlink.net), February 12, 2002.