First Sweet Corn : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

We ate our first corn last nigt, seem like it was a long time coming. I did two plantings 10 days apart, the second batch is the what we had last night, the first was last years seed. I planted it all in June. I have been seeing, for the past few weeks, on various forums where people have bee having corn for awhile, I suppose it has to do with geography.We just finished up laszt years freezer batch. Does anyone can potatoes?

-- Hendo (OR) (, August 18, 2000


Hendo, I can potatoes. We grow red ones. They're so good and convenient. We had several jars left from last year, I only canned 21 qts. this time. When you cook them make sure they're drained really well. You can fry them plain or with onions. We like to melt butter and cook, not saute, onion in butter then add the potatoes and heat thru, add a little salt if you want. Yum, goes well with lots of stuff. To can them, Wash and boil til skins come off easily, put in cold water and skin. Put in jars add salt, 1t. qt, 1/2 t. pt, I use less. pour boiling water over potatoes, "burp", seal, process 10# for 40 minutes qts. Tip: boil the potatoes by size. Every year, I think I overcook them before canning, but I haven't yet. Corn hasn't done ver well this year because of too much rain, but it sure tastes good especially the silver queen. The last I planted is only knee high and already tassling and setting ears. That was going to be my fall crop. Oh, well, gives me something to look forward to for next year. Don't have room in the freezer anyway. Enjoy!

-- Cindy (, August 18, 2000.

The first corn ALWAYS seems like it's a long time coming!

Canning potatoes: I have found this to be an excellent use for the inevitable tiny ones, marble-to-golf-ball size, that otherwise go to waste. We dip into these in spring, when the root cellared spuds are shriveled and the new crop isn't ready yet. But they're quick and easy for potato salad anytime. Jd

-- Jd (, August 22, 2000.

Hendo, I planted twice this year as it was kind of cold the first time and nothing much happened. I am really excited this year, as it's the first year I've grown corn at all. The ears are forming, and I can see the silks coming out. I don't know how much longer I can wait! I only grew 4 ten foot rows as an experiment. If it works out, I'm planting 30'x50' next year.

So...Corn 101: How do you tell when the ears are ripe? By "popping" a kernel and seeing the milk? Serious! I can go look it up, I guess. :)

-- sheepish (, August 22, 2000.

I have canned potatoes, but usually only the smaller ones which then go into stews or pot roasts. I normally just can a few pints that I process with other veggies, such as beans, corn etc. They keep pretty well without canning in a cool dark place. Corn. I generally just look for the silks to dry, and figure the corn is then "ready". Works for me. GL!

-- Brad (, August 24, 2000.

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