movie Autumn in New York staring Richard Gere : LUSENET : Discuss Gere : One Thread

iCAST (, a brand new entertainment web site, is proud to announce that we have the trailer for the recently released movie Autumn in New York staring Richard Gere and Winona Ryder. The trailer is available as of 16 August 2000 on iCAST.

Here is the URL to the iCAST page on (film),4003,1057-6227633,00.html

-- Angel (, August 16, 2000


I just have one question - Has anyone else seen this horrible movie? Could you sit through the whole thing or did you want to walk out? It was a three hankie movie, but that was to hang yourself with. Could this have been any worse? The dialogue was pathetic, the drama was non-existent, I couldn't wait till Charlotte died!! The only crying I would have done would have been if they revived her. Am I alone? "Just let me love you!!" OH, PLEASE!

-- Gina (, September 03, 2000.

Hi Angel! I am new to the internet but am so glad I've found finally a group of kindred spirits who follow R.G. as much as I do! I saw the movie 2x on 2 consecutive Sunday afternoons and I'm tellin' ya, I was nearly alone in there both times! Where are all the fans?! Anyway, it certainly wasn't my favorite of his movies. I thought it should have been renamed, "A Date with Richard Gere"!! He was darling as usual, but the zero chemistry between Winona and him was embarrasing to watch at times. I so look forward to his next movie! I wish he would put out 3 movies a year! Did anybody mail him a birthday card? I did! Take care! monique

-- monique95060 (, September 05, 2000.

i think Autumn In New York was the greatest movie i could sit through it a million times i dont love him anymore cause i like David Hasselhoff, but i thing Richard Gere is a terrific actor and Richard your a dad to Homer i think thats right you will make a great dad.

-- ciera auzenne (, October 07, 2000.

i saw this movie a week ago i liked it because he played a selfish guy that only liked himself and fool around. And the person in the movie (winona) put him back in the real world. As we say in my country with both feet on the ground. thats what real life is. the part of the movie what i really liked is ..when the helicopter takes off and the music with that...... when the birds fly away every body know she didnt make it. anyway i loved it.!!!!

-- ellen (pamela .1@ inter, July 07, 2001.

i saw this movie a week ago i liked it because he played a selfish guy that only liked himself and fool around. And the person in the movie (winona) put him back in the real world. As we say in my country with both feet on the ground. thats what real life is. the part of the movie what i really liked is ..when the helicopter takes off and the music with that...... when the birds fly away every body know she didnt make it. anyway i loved it.!!!! its just as good as intersection!!! and even better then Mr Jones

-- ellen (pamela .1@ inter, July 07, 2001.

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