question about dodonpachi : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

I have a (stupid) question about Dodonpachi.

The question probably proves that I don't know that much about MAME, but rather play the games.

When I run Dodonpachi the screen is upside down and I can't even start a game. Is there an option to rotate the screen and make it an 1 credit per game game? This last problem is probably the reason why I can't playback any .inp files.

Eagerly awaiting an answer,


-- Arjen Gnodde (, August 16, 2000


After the opening warning screen (you know, "prosecutedt to the full extent of the jam") you can push and hold F2. Hold it until the config screen appears. Select configuration, and push the key you have defined for button 2 (default is Left ALT). This resets all settings to factory settings. This shouldn't need to be done for BBH's recordings, this is done as a part of his recording.

-- Barry Rodewald (, August 16, 2000.

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