Has anyone read Cinder Bock GArdens?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Has anyone read Cinder Block Gardens by Lynn Gillespie? It was shown in the July/August issue of Countryside. I usually try to read a book from the library before I buy it-weeds out the not so good books. I have 300 cinderblocks sitting by my garden and came across this, wonder if it has any earth shattering info in it? Thanks, Tami in WI
-- Tami Bowser (windridg@chorus.net), August 15, 2000
I have not read the book but have two raised beds made of cinderblocks, thay are great, much better then wood.
-- kathy h (saddlebronc@msn.com), August 15, 2000.
I've not read the book, but used cinder blocks for raised beds this year and loved the results. Best garden ever!
-- glynnis in KY (gabbycab@msn.com), August 16, 2000.
Did you just lay the first course of blocks on the ground, or did you partially bury them so that they can't shift around? I am putting in my first garden, so any advice would be appreciated. Thanks, Sherri in IN.
-- Sherri C (CeltiaSkye@aol.com), August 16, 2000.
I sunk mine about 1 inch to keep them from shifting, the blocks holes filled with soil are great to grow green onions or herbs in.
-- kathy h (saddlebronc@msn.com), August 16, 2000.
When you built raised beds did you put more than one layer of blocks? I thought it would be nice to stack two layers so I could sit on the side to pick beans and strawberries are what I am planning. Tami in WI
-- Tami Bowser (windridg@chorus.net), August 17, 2000.
It's kind of hard to tell from the photos on Lynn Gillespie's website (www.lynngillespie.com) but it looks like she's using 2 rows of cinder blocks, with the first row partially buried. She also mentions that gardening is so much easier when the beds are 16" higher, which sounds like the right height for 2 rows. There's one picture where they've topped the cinder blocks with patio pavers, it looks like it would be nicer to sit on than just the plain blocks. Sherri in IN.
-- Sherri C (CeltiaSkye@aol.com), August 17, 2000.
i have not read this book and instead of making my garden with cinder blocks i plan to use tire planters so i don't have to bend to tend the garden. i will be using a combination from "square foot and gardening" and the ecology action plans for an intensive garden. will let you know how this works. gail
-- gail missouri ozarks (gef123@hotmail.com), August 21, 2000.
Haven't read it , however I am considering using heavy plastic as a barrier and building up 3 blocks high to plant over my drainfield without having to worry about sewage or food contamination problems.
-- Jay Blair (jayblair678@yahoo.com), August 21, 2000.