greenspun.com : LUSENET : The Christian Church : One Thread

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< IS IT LATER THAN YOU THINK?"

Someone has prepared a very interesting time table. It made a mathematical parallel of a life span with a 24 hour day. If studied, it will cause you rather serious reflection. Consider what you have done or left undone.

If you are 15 years old it is 8:51 a.m. If you are 20 years old it is 11:08 a.m. If you are 25 years old it is 12:25 p.m. If you are 30 years old it is 1:25 p.m. If you are 35 years old it is 2:59 p.m. If you are 40 years old it is 4:16 p.m. If you are 45 years old it is 5:43 p.m. If you are 50 years old it is 6:50 p.m. If you are 55 years old it is 8:08 p.m. If you are 60 years old it is 10:11 p.m. If you are 70 years old it is approaching midnight.

When the bell tolls for you at the midnight hour of death, on which side of God's judgment seat will you stand? <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< My sister, Norma, is not yet approaching midnight but she will probably die today. The glue in her family will melt, leaving five children, grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren.

Norma never had much money nor material possessions but she did have compassion for others, always opening her arms and home to those in need. All family members who were *down on their luck* knew they had a place to recuperate....at Norma's. She never cared much for *things* but she did care deeply for people.

Norma's husband, Joe, died while standing in the pulpit preaching his last earthly sermon. She would sit by his graveside and look forward to the day she would join him. Today might be that day. She will be greatly missed by all who know and love her.

-- nib Nelta Brock http://members.xoom.com/atlen/

-- Anonymous, August 13, 2000



I am so sorry to hear this news. I know that these next few days and weeks you will face sorrow over this loss. I fervently pray for you and your family and that God will grant you that "peace that passeth all understanding" during this time of sorrow and grief for you and your family. I encouage you to find hope in the fact that Christ our Lord is risen and he is coming again and all the dead will be raised and the rightous will shine like the sun in the presence of God and bow before the throne of the lamb of God and walk the streets of Gold and sing a new song of praise to the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world and your beloved sister will be there alive. This world is only a temporary place for us all but in Christ we have hope. From the way you describe your sister it seems that she has that hope in Christ and is looking for the resurrection.

I know you will mis her, I miss my mother and father very much, but I can tell you that because of Christ the sorrow melts away and death has lost it's sting.

I have you and your family in my prayers this day, Nelta.

Your Brother in Christ,

E. Lee Saffold

-- Anonymous, August 13, 2000

Hello, Nelta,

As I said on your forum, I will be praying for you and your family.

Remembering what you have said about that Godly woman, your sister Norma,

-- Anonymous, August 13, 2000

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