Need educating on new digital terminolgy! : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I need to be eduated on digital photography termininology-- What is a "photograph" called from a diital camera? A photo image? An image print?? Is there a term? Also, what work takes the place of the "negative? Image?? Is there a term for a print made from a digital camera? Also, what is CCD? Much thanks to anyone who can educate me.

-- Barbara Walker (, August 11, 2000


Photo = digital image, sometimes called a jpeg(jay-peg) or a Tiff, if you're talking about a digital image saved in either .jpg or .tif format.

Strictly speaking there is no negative, or negative to positive conversion process. The image is captured by the camera's CCD (Charge Coupled Device, just say C-C-D or you'll even get strange looks from cyber-geeks), usually transferred to a buffer memory, processed by the camera's CPU(s) and then compressed and saved on a media card.

A print from a digital camera is often called a print, a digital image, or, depending on who took it and how much light there was, blurry... ;-)

If you're really at a loss for terminology, etc., try: It's a great resource, with online and print books available.

If you like, I'm writing a series of articles for Toshiba's website, aimed primarily at those who are new to digital imaging. You can find them at:

You can also search the forum here and turn up tons of info from a wide variety of sources.

Good Luck!

-- Gerald M. Payne (, August 11, 2000.

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