CA: Shoppers routed as power outage hits mall : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread

Shoppers routed as power outage hits Fashion Valley mall UNION-TRIBUNE August 8, 2000

Scores of people streamed out of Fashion Valley shopping center into the parking lot last evening as a power outage blacked out half the stores and the 18-screen AMC theater for about 40 minutes.

"We weren't the only ones affected," said Melissa Vitale, assistant general manager at the Fashion Valley Center. "Apparently, some street lights on Friars Road were affected as well."

SDG&E spokesman Ed Van Herik said the power went off at 7:24 p.m. and was back on at 8:05 p.m. He confirmed that it also affected some street lights.

The cause of the outage was unknown as of late last night.

Vitale said mall security checked the parking lots and elevators. No one was injured, she said.

-- Martin Thompson (, August 08, 2000


With the present California power crisis, it's lucky that this outage was restricted to a mall.


-- Uncle Fred (, August 08, 2000.

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