Which Camera Shall I Buy? Fuji? Kodak? Or Other?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Could any of you help me please? I am looking to buy a digital camera within the next week or two but I dont know which one to get. I want to take general photos in conditions such as outdoors, but mainly indoors and at partys and low lit areas. I would like the camera to have a decent battery life high image quality and some nice features. The cameras I am looking at are the:- Fuji MX-1200 Kodak DC-215 Which one of them would you prefer? And if neither of those, which is the best for that price range (about $300, I'm actually British so #200-250 maybe a little more). Would the Epson PhotoPC 650 be any good? Thanks in advance and I hope someone can help me. Thanks a lot!

-- Simon Farthing (simon@dreamcastuk.net), August 07, 2000


get a Fuji 1400 read my review on it can be had mail order for around 300 I did a bunch of research and got some GREAT pix today I traded it out for an Olympus 460z because it had burst mode well.... it's going back the Fuji took better pix, hands down, sharper, clearer, more "alive" and vibrant

Charles Coker Ausitn, TX

-- Charles Coker (ccoker@texas.net), August 09, 2000.

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