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We are a small family who would like to relocate to a cooler and probably less populated region. We are thinking of maybe Michigan, Wisconsin, New york ect. Wanting to know any and all information related to prices of homes, rent, and land. Would like to know the available jobs and any or all information related to these areas. We would also like to know the laws of these states. We are going to homeschool our kids when they get of age. We would also be interested in the local churches. We like the pentecostal style. Any and all emails or replys are welcome.Thank You and God bless , Christy
-- christy (, August 07, 2000
North East Wisconsin: Green Bay and surrounding area...We certainly are cool (zone4 and a very cold zone 5) and with the exception of the larger Green Bay area (@pop 200,000) we are a "less populated region."
Small fixer upper country homes on a couple acres start around $80,000 and quickly zoom up to $200,000. The Mrs and I had searched for 2 years for the place we had in our heads. We never did find it but did find the majority of small homestead type places fell in the $140-150,000 range for a 4 bedroom fixer upper with 20-40 acres and functional outbuildings. Ag land falls in the $1000-2000 range/acre.
As far as jobs go, there are agribusiness type dairies always looking for work in the country because they dont pay much. Paying jobs are in Green Bay and primarily revolve around paper mills (production or conversion) or the insurance industry at large plants\headquarter facilities. Minor industries are metal working (foundry and sheet metal fabrication) and tourism (surrounding the Packers, the Oneida casinos, trips to Door County).
I am not presently a homeschooler although I did act as the biology teacher for a homeschool student for a while. There are a good number of homeschoolers that I have been aware of around here so that must be one of the few things that Wisconsin hasnt stuck its nose too deeply into. The secondary private schools are somewhat small and far and few between so most folks dump their kids in the governments Youth Propaganda Schools.
The area is primarily Catholic but just about everyone is represented in Green Bay. There are 2 pentecostal churches in GB, I will give you their phone numbers or addresses if you wish.
So thats my reply and you are welcome.
-- William in WI (, August 07, 2000.
One nice aspect of your proposed move it there are probably lots of properties for sale by people moving south for the warmth.
-- Ken S. (, August 07, 2000.
Before my husband and I remembered that we hate the cold,ice and snow, we locayed several wonderful properties in upstate Maine..a typical "for sale by owner" listing was a home and ten acres of great land for less than 100K and taxes around $700/ jobs,great neighbors...God bless...
-- Lesley (, August 07, 2000.
oops..never post a message without your bifocals..I meant "located"...
-- Lesley (, August 07, 2000.
I am a reaL estate broker in Southeast Ohio. What you are looking for is probably here, if this is not too far South for you. Send me an e:mail giving a little more info about what you like and what you have to work with moneywise (what one person feels is a small amount might be a fortune to another) or you may write: ED COPP REALTY, POB 281, MCARTHUR, OH 45651
-- Ed Copp (, August 07, 2000.
I can't give you to much info now , but e-mail next week .So here goes a recent farm 130 a 4 bedroom house and 2 barns went for 85,000 Taxes 1,500 a year ..Good home schooling laws . 100 a of undeveloped land can go from 25,000 and up .We have several large companys and hospitals .
-- Patty Gamble (, August 07, 2000.
As to homeschooling laws, check out They can give you the info on any and all states you may be interested in.
-- Vaughn (, August 07, 2000.
I lived in the Utica, NY area for about 7 years in the 90's. I knew several people involved in homeschooling and the pentecostal church. Seemed very "normal" around there. It some of the most beautiful country in the world and you can get a homestead pretty reasonable (50,000ish with home, outbuildings, some acreage). Downside - high income and property taxes and scarity of jobs.Wisconsin seems to be similar to upstate New York - relatively inexpensive abandoned farms available, but high taxes. Stay at least 2 hours from the bigger cities. But be cautious - it's becoming (is?) Chicagoland's playground.
I'd also recommend looking at Minnesota.
-- Deborah (, August 08, 2000.
A year ago when we were considering a move up north, I looked at the real estate listings on the internet under United Country Real Estate and it appeared that Minnesota had a lot of nice large farms for sale at very reasonable prices. Hubby said Minnesota was a little too cold/snowy for him but I keep looking at the listings anyway because they really seem nice for the price. Of course I have no idea what jobs there are or the tax rates (I was not concerned about jobs because we would be retiring when we went there anyway.) I still am going to work on hubby to convince him to go there or somewher in New York which also seemed to have some reasonable property. Good luck.
-- Colleen (, August 08, 2000.
Christy:Something which is often repeated on this forum and in Countryside is when you move to a new area rent, don't buy, for the first year. That gives you time to fully evaluate an area, plus a lot more real estate listings to ponder over.
-- Ken S. (, August 08, 2000.
Hi, Christy. I'm in Minnesota, born and raised. It's definitely cool, to put it mildly. We get a good five months of Winter here. I like the advice about renting for a year to get a grasp on the area you're interested in, and for your reference -- I bought an old four bedroom farmhouse (over 100 yrs old), quonset, grainery, garage, pump house, five acres for $75,000 in 1999. Good luck, and take a deep breath, and jump.
-- Rachel (, August 08, 2000.
My answer was lacking. Let me add that there are good jobs, yes, taxes are fairly high, Minnesota is famously liberal, and dense with farmers, and homeschooling here has been nothing but a pleasure. Sorry, can't help you with churches, but there seem to be plenty.
-- Rachel (, August 08, 2000.
Dear Christy, My name is Bonnie Smith and I could use some interest in selling my place from a Christian Family. My husband and I divorced a couple of years ago due to Y2K and partner assault. I was able to keep our home through a nasty divorce and now need to sell. I live in Libby, Mt in the northwest part of the state. We went to several charismatic independent churches over the years and there is a local Assembly of God church here. Homeschooling is pretty active here and there is a small Christian school, also. My property is located 4 miles from town and is adjacent to a missionary training center named International Messengers which was formerly one of the churches we helped build. I have 7.5 acres and a 3 (or 4)BR 2BA cedar sided chalet style home. It has vaulted ceilings, country kitchen, 1/2 story upstairs and full daylight basement. I could tell you more if you're interested I would like to sell the place my self rather than go through a realtor and have them add a big commission on the top of the selling price. Carrying a contract to a qualified buyer is O.K. with me and will be a way for me to recover the retirement funds lost through our divorce. It will also help when my girls will attend college in a few years. Thank you for letting me tell you part of my story; it has a happy ending for me and selling my place is just a small part of it. If this area is of interest to you please contact me. Sincerely, Bonnie Smith
-- Bonnie Smith (, July 10, 2001.