How waterproof is the M6 : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Can I take the M6 out in light rain? How about heavy rain? Anyone with experience using the M6 under bad wheather conditions, I'd love to hear your stories!

-- Andreas Carl (, August 07, 2000


Since late 1993 when I first got it new, my M6 chrome has been subjected to quite a bit of light rain, but I've always wiped it off soon after. I've never drenched it, but I've been caught in the rain before with it. I tuck in under my arm as much as I can. I worry more about the lens than the camera, actually, so I find myself cupping the lens and pointing it down. But I've had no problems yet (knock on wood).

-- Tony Rowlett (, August 07, 2000.

Same here. I've had my M6 chrome out in the rain lots of times. I kept the lens pointed down when not shooting.

I don't think I'd want to immerse it in a bucket of water as a test, but I've found it stands up to the weather quite well.

-- Joe Buechler (, August 07, 2000.

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