update on state of the homesteadgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
am glad to report that the electic rewiring is done and the house didn't burn down. i can now run more than one major electic applaince without noticing the load pulling down. as i said in my other post can't reccomend this but seems to work better than all the extension cords. didn't realize how many i had untill i collected them all and had a big box full i also like not haveing to trip over them or worry that a cat will chew one up. with the rain we had up until about 10 days ago the pond still has about 1 foot of water in it and seems to be holding the current 95 plus temps we are now having will also tell me how bad the loss is due to evaporation. i still think it will do better with the pigs packing it down. i did get the book and video on using tires as planters etc. and can recomend the book highly, not sure the video is such a good deal though i guess if you have problems following directions would be worth the cost. i was surprised at all the things he has in the book you can use old tires for i am really wanting to get going on the things i will need for next years garden including some composters to provide the compost for the planters. next project is a pallot fence and shed to house the nigerian dwarf buck i will be getting next month. will let you know how that turns out. my timing for once was good as i did the electric on wed and fell on thursday didn't break my foot but did have to have it splinted. with my back my right leg sometimes gives out on me. you may ask why my timing was good it is because on wed to do part of the wiring i had to be up on a ladder so if it had gone out on me then i would have had a lot worse fall. i know we have had some recent threads on helping handicaped people and homesteading but would like to ask for any tips or ideas that any of you have and i will try them out and can report back as to how someone with a bad back and walks with a cane handles them. think it might be better than some of the articles i have read by people doing things they think people could do but are tested by people with no problems. the best part of my back problem have been the e-mails i have received from someone else on this forum who is recovering from back surgery. thats all i have to report for now so lets hear from you. gail
-- gail missouri ozarks (gef123@hotmail.com), August 07, 2000
Hi Gail, very sorry about your fall. Glad you got your electric all squared away. I had a great weekend here in N.Y. Two days off from my full-time job. I set a goal for myself for this month....to not set foot in a store, and not purchase any food. I plan on eating strictly from storage and the garden. So far, so good. I baked two loaves of whole wheat bread and a zucchini cake on Saturday,and hung two loads of wash out to dry. I picked and put up beans, peppers, and pickles yesterday. I pulled all the potatos and garlic, too. I got a lovely email from a fellow forum participant, wonderful words of encouregement. I know I'll get my place in the country, and soon, but sometimes I get a little frustrated. For now it has to be enough to know that on my block, I am called "The Farmer".
-- Cathy Horn (hrnofplnty@webtv.net), August 07, 2000.
Hi Gail,I'm sorry about your injury. Those things can really make chores a challenge! But I'm excited to hear how it works out with your Nigerian buck. I'll be tuning in!
-- Laura Jensen (lauraj@seedlaw.com), August 09, 2000.