Do Kenko 8x32 or Eagle Eye work on Olympus D-600L/1400L? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread


I own a Olympus 1400L/D600L and always wanted more range. Only today I stumbled over all the web-sites covering monoculars for range increase.

After several hours of surfing and reading I still don't know whether the Kenko 8x32 or the Eagle Eye would work on my camera and what exact adapters etc. I would need.

An e-mail-reply from CKC Power told me, that the Kenko would not work (what does that mean? not work at all? no picture?), the Eagle Eye website says that it works with the Olympus 2000+.

My 1400L is SLR, autofocus only (with macro mode), with 3x zoom and the objective got a 43 mm thread. These are quite the specs of the Olympus 2000/3000, so I expect it to work at least with a bit vignetting (like they say on the EagleEye website).

But the margin between "not work at all" (kenko) and "works with slight vignetting" (EagleEye) seems to be a bit large for me to understand without much more bickering from my side :-)

So far I've found no one on the web who has any experience with this camera model / monocular setup.

So basically: Anyone ever heard of anyone using that combination? Anyone have any thoughts on why it could work or not?

Thank you for your effort Marcus

-- Marcus Winter (, August 04, 2000


Contact them at Eagle Eye.. They are super and answering your questions and there service is great!

-- Chip (, August 05, 2000.

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