Focusing a JML 210mm f8 at Wider than f8! : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

Hello all.

First, kudos to Mr. Grimes for doing a great job of mounting my JML 210mm f8 lens into an Ilex #4 shutter for me. See - and

When the lens was originally mounted in barrel, f8 was the maximum aperture. As you can see in the second link, now that the lens is mounted in the Ilex, it now opens larger than f8  mole like f4.5 to f4.

My question is, is it wise to compose and FOUCS at the largest aperture, or will I be running into problems like focus shift? The lens is a 6 element symmetrical design.

Thanks in advance.


-- sheldon hambrick (, August 04, 2000

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