OK Here We go - Man U ticket Thread

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Has anybody got a spare ticket for the OT game - its my birthday 2 days later and its the nearest game to home - last time I went to OT we won so I'd be a good omen - various other begging notes.

-- Anonymous, August 03, 2000


I, you will be relieved to know will not be asking for any seats at any games this year.

I will be watching this one from the seat directly in front of the telly in my lounge room.

I reserve the right to change my mind if I am adopted by a rich family, I manage to sell or at least hire out the services of Mrs gus and the gusette, win the lottery, rob a bank or finally if someone takes up my earlier offer of smuggling drugs into Oz. My best bet so far is TM, however he has not taken up the offer.

PS I cannot wait for that Loony to try and get back into Oz after his approaching trip!

-- Anonymous, August 03, 2000

I happen to have other contacts in customs and law enforcement outside of you Gus. Besides, chances are that I'll again be returning to Sydney laden with tons of NUFC gear for half of flippin Western Australia, so I'd mind my Ps & Qs if I were you ....

PS. I'll be expecting a tape of the Heath game for that !!

-- Anonymous, August 03, 2000

PS. So how come I didn't get a cheery hulloo off Mrs.Gus last night then ?? I know I'm no oil painting, but can she have forgotten me so soon ... (sniff sniff) ??

PPS. Josh - 'fraid I'm in no position to help you out for OT but I wish you luck getting a ticket. I suspect you'll be needing LOTS of luck !! ;o)))

-- Anonymous, August 03, 2000

Gus, indeed can't do the drugs thing I'm afraid as me girlie is a nurse and she may get upset that I pack more drugs for a holiday than she does....can go via the club shop if you want me to get you owt in particular....??

-- Anonymous, August 04, 2000

Are you coming via Perth?

If not when will you be arriving, if I play you off against Loony to see who gets here first I'll be the winner both ways.

-- Anonymous, August 04, 2000

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