Was there any Benton/Chen interaction after she returned?greenspun.com : LUSENET : ER Discussions : One Thread |
Please forgive me if this was asked before but I have not seen it. Does anyone recall any reaction from Peter after Deb Chen returned. She was, after all, his student. I can't remember any scenes with the two of them except during Carter's "intervention."
-- Larry B. (larrybro95@hotmail.com), August 03, 2000
I noticed no one else had gotten to this. Besides what you mentioned, the only interaction I can recall is when Jing-Mei was the one who ran into the adjacent room to get Peter (who was working on Lucy) when they discovered Carter's renal artery laceration (All In The Family). I don't believe they've had a real conversation yet.
-- Philip (PlacidDen@aol.com), August 04, 2000.
Chen doesn't interact with much of anybody, does she? Not to make a blanket statement or anything, but...I don't think we've ever seen her in any pertinent scenes with Luka, Cleo, Kerry, Abby, Eliabeth, Carol, any of the nurses (not counting Rambo) or Benton. Mark and Dave, yes, as a student. Carter, or course. And Romano, that one episode with the child who had the rare disease. Chen doesn't really seem to be part of the family, in my opinion. Hmmm...It could just be that she is a casualty of the HUGE main cast--there isn't enough time in any given episode to showcase her character much. Oh well, I never cared much for her anyway. :)
-- Cecelia (evilstoat@hotmail.com), August 05, 2000.
I like Chen.They really didn't have much time or space to do much with her last season. She returned in January, almost halfway into the season, and with the crowded cast, she only tended to get storylines in the shows in which Abby wasn't much of a factor (and vice versa). Between the two of them, they barely made one whole character. Both will probably emerge as bigger players now that there are only five female actors in the starring cast, instead of six or seven.
-- Philip (PlacidDen@aol.com), August 05, 2000.
While they worked on Carter in AITF is all I can remember of Chen w/ Benton, Luka, or Elizabeth, although I feel like there must have been some scene w/ her and Luka. She's had some discussions w/ Kerry, and it seems Kerry really respects her. Deb helped Abby in the Frank the Supernurse episode, and they've had some short conversations. Other than that, Deb is another person who needs character development.
-- Elaine (mrsclooney78@hotmail.com), August 06, 2000.
This cast is way to big. I remember back in the beginning of season 5 when they had 9 characters. They only brought in 1 new one. This year they had six. Dave, Ramano (he had just a recurring role in season 5), Deb, Luka, Cleo, and Abby. Big mistake! The only ones with any kind of a story line this year were Carter, Mark, Carol, and maybe Luka. That's it though.
-- Cammie (rmaelhorn@home.com), August 06, 2000.