Silver wheels : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Whats the obsession with 'silver' MV wheels, i could sort of understand if people wanted to copy the ORO and have them Gold, but Silver?

-- Dave P (, July 31, 2000


I know what you're saying. If I were to paint the wheels, it would be red. I believe there are aftermarket wheels for the MV that's 1/3rd the weight. I'd save my money for those instead.

-- mod (, August 01, 2000.

You may want to check out casoli moto's web site, lots of after market stuff, as well as some great links

-- Beau Jones (, August 01, 2000.

Ok, I'm late on this. But I've recently ordered a F4S biposto and I'll be painting the wheels silver. The Casoli bike looks great with silver wheels.

Mod: where do you find wheels that are a third of the weight? I don't think even PVM forged magnesiums are that light.

-- Shayne Smith (, August 29, 2000.

I believe they are Dymags. Phil Read's company sells them. Look around the forum to check out the link to his website.

-- mod (, August 29, 2000.

Thanks Mod, they're the Dymag carbons. Not exactly in my price range considering I'm stretching for the F4S. Luckily for me they are also the ugliest wheels I've seen for a long time!


-- Shayne Smith (, September 01, 2000.

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