Goat Breeding Question

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I have 3 Togs. 2 does, 1 buck(lucky dog!) Buck is year old in August. Will he attempt to breed when he comes into contact with doe in seperate pen, even if doe is not in heat? I can't tell yet when she is in heat. I would like to get the girls bred back and sell Mr. Smell, and next time around rent-a-buck.

-- Jeff Schuler (jmprint@epix.net), July 27, 2000


Yes.. at a yr old he will breed, as early as 3 months in some cases. And even if the doe isn't in heat his smell may cause her to come into heat. He will probably chase the does around trying to "romance" them. If a doe comes into heat she will blat, and then a sure sign is her tail, it'll be sticking straight up, this is usually associated with a standing heat where she can get bred. Her vulva will also be a bit swollen and pinkish colored. Hope this helps.


-- Bernice (geminigoats@yahoo.com), July 27, 2000.

I have used bucks born in the spring, to breed my does in the fall. You might have to stand her in a slope, with her head pointing down hill, 'cause he was a bit short, but they all had babies in the spring! (The buck in question had had excellent Redwood Hills bloodlines, out of a permanant champion Alpine buck named Sasin, AI'ed to a permant grand champion doe, and I had sold my other herd sire--so this boy was my only chance to get my ladies fresh!) I don't suspect you'll have that too-short problem with a year old buck, tho. My does were usually thrown into heat by a few frosty nights on the fall. I know that they can come in at other times, but this brought on the heats most reliably.

-- Leann Banta (thelionandlamb@hotmail.com), July 29, 2000.

Jeff, I have my buck pen inside the big main small pasture area. when the does come in season, they are glued to the buck fence, rubbing up and down the fence line driving old Doughboy crazy! He is blubbering and yodeling and having a wonderful time trying to reach them. karen

-- Karen Mauk (dairygoatmama@hotmail.com), July 30, 2000.

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