IM SOOOO : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hi everyone, I wanted to share my excitment with all my homestead friends. We close on my homestead tommorow. Its a 4 bedroom farm house on 10 acres. It has a country kitchen outside. It also has a apple, mullberry, and pear trees. Im looking for ideas on what i can do on 5 acres to make money. We will be living in MILAN INDIANA. Any one else live there? I cant wait to move Blessings kelly
-- kelly (, July 27, 2000
Congradulations and good luck ! The best way to make money is to do something you like .You will probally need some time to figure it out .
-- Patty Gamble (, July 27, 2000.
That's wonderful!! I'm STILL trying to figure out how to make money.
-- Peg (NW WI) (, July 27, 2000.
Gook luck and keep us posted. Five acres is enough to have goats or a few cows, chickens, a small orchard or garden. Take your time--find something you really love to do and do lots of planning and research,re-research and research some more!!
-- Debbie T in N.C. (, July 27, 2000.
Congratulations!!!The exhaustion will be very rewarding!
-- Doreen (, July 27, 2000.
Sounds terrific! Where is Milan? We live in Brown County; I love Indiana....most of the time!
-- Leann Banta (, July 27, 2000.
Congrats!!!!!!! My advice would be to get nice looking chickens for eggs, collect the feathers and either make things or sell the feathers , along with the excess eggs, I think people overlook simple things that are right in front of them. Just a thought....
-- Tina (, July 27, 2000.
I am so happy for you !!!!!! WE are still goofy over our new place,it's a great feeling...enjoy to the max...God bless....
-- Lesley (, July 27, 2000.
Where is Milan? We're in Spencer in south eastern Indiana. Beatifull area!!! We make Very little money selling eggs, and herb teas. Dosen't take much space.
-- sherry (, July 27, 2000.
Congratulations on your big move. Keep us posted with updates on those first few weeks and months and then what you decide on to make money. It's fun to share in the excitement of someone finally realizing their dream.
-- Colleen (, July 28, 2000.
Don't worry so much about supporting yourself as just supporting the things you love. What I mean is We wanted laying hens for ourselves so why not a couple more and sell extra eggs? Not paying college tuition but the chickens at least pay their way to an extent.We figure if we already wanted a berry patch, large garden, sheep, chickens, geese and so on then a few extra doesn't make much differance (or to much extra stress). Sell the surplus to cover the cost of that which you keep. Like I said, it doesn't pay the bills but at least you're not paying so much for what you wanted anyway!
-- Novina in ND (, July 28, 2000.
Way to go, your in heaven now.
-- Jay Blair (, July 28, 2000.
I forgot to mention: talk to Ken ( find him on other threads) about his book that he will email to you -free- about this very subject. My old computer can't handle it or I would have been first in line. The word is, it's great.
-- Peg (NW WI) (, July 28, 2000.
Kelly, That's great to hear. I saw the sign for Milan last Sunday morning as the boys and I were on our way to Ohio. I thought of your posting awhile back & I now know for sure where Milan is. Beautiful area around there. Yes, you need to download Ken's book. I have been really enjoying it. You on the other hand probably won't have time to do much reading till all is moved in , etc. Enjoy that time! May God bless you and yours, John in Seymour
-- John (, July 29, 2000.
Congratulations on your dream!!! The other suggestions have been good, about extra eggs, goats, etc. Will you be on a major road where you could have a produce or outdoor stand? Besides vegetables and fruits you could sell homemade birdhouses, quilts or pillows you make, that sort of thing. Also, consider giving lessons in what you like to do that you are good at: like making or decorating cakes; tending to dogs; grooming dogs; music lessons; on the computer, etc. good luck!
-- Suzy in 'Bama (, July 30, 2000.
If you're within 3 or 4 hours of a major metro area you should look into the local Farmer's Market. I still live in the Chicagoland area (*shudder*) and every week they're packed! It looks like a lot of work and I'm sure you have to give some to the organizer, but you get retail (city grocery store) prices on fruits and veggies. And flowers - gladiolas were very popular. Plus people were selling 1/2 pints of homecanned jam for $3 to $3.50. Good Luck!
-- Deborah (, August 03, 2000.