My PC won't recognize my CanonPowerShot A50after I had Zoomtown installed : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Camera received at Christmas 2000 worked firne doing flyers for house and advertising items.When I had Zoontown installed on my PC the camera wasn't able to be brought up (Pictures from camera). I have a charger bought from camera store that is the right one. Three visits from techie from Zoontown haven't solved the problem they said camera /not working even though they removed the zoomtown interface card and everythin they had to change to install Zoomtown.Canonhas talked to me three times also they said it must be something the techni did to mess up the camera or disc that came with the camera I am so confused that neither canon or Zoomtown want to take resposiblelity for the problem. What do I do NEXT?

-- Virginia Meyer (, July 24, 2000


This won't help you Virginia since the horse is already out of the barn but if you had "GoBack" installed on your machine you would never have this problem as you would be able to easily revert your machine back to what it was before the Zoontown installation. Preview copy available at:

-- bill (, July 25, 2000.

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