about China photo(http://www.chinaphootgraphy.com)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread

China photography is a Chinese folk WEB site on photography. It mainly introduces the photography works on Chinese scenery, people and all kinds of Chinese folk customs made by Chinese photographers. China is such a large country that even our natives are always excited by what we find every now and then. As photography-enthusiasts we will keep exploring the natural beauties and produce more excellent works. Through these works people all over the word may have a better understanding of China and much more like china, and also through these works we expect to exchange experiences with photographers abroad so as to improve our photography skill all together.

-- ansel jiang (ansel@chinaphotography.com), July 23, 2000


I have travelled China numerous times as a photographer having been born in Canada.A few years ago I mounted an Exhibit."Growing Up Chinese in Halifax".I could forward duplicate slides if you are interested in reviewing my material.I have black&white as well as color..

-- Albert Lee (photos124@hotmail.com), January 07, 2004.

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