Canning Cantaloupe : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Thought some of you might like this recipe: Pear and Melon Balls: Make light syrup-You can use half the honey instead of sugar...Use equal measure of balls or cubes of firm, ripe fruit, using with the pears any combination of these varieties of melon: cantaloupe, Casaba, Crenshaw, Honeydew or Persian. Cover with boiling syrup. Let stand til cold...Drain.. Pack into hot jars, 1/2 inch headspace...Add 1t. lemon juice to each qt, 1/2t.-pt...Heat syrup to boiling...Pour over fruit, leaving 1/2 in. head space...Process...waterbath pts and qts 20 min. This is best chilled after it has set for about 4 months and used within a year. It's very refreshing
-- Cindy (, July 23, 2000
Thanks, cindy, sounds good, think I'll try it! Got any extra melons?
-- b. Williams (, July 23, 2000.
Cindy, I was pleased to see this because I really wanted to be able to preserve my cantalope and just wasn't sure how to do it. I'll be trying out your recipe when the picking starts. Since I am planning to make some of my canning recipes gifts this Xmas this will work out perfectly.
-- Colleen (, July 24, 2000.