Has anyone heard......greenspun.com : LUSENET : ER Discussions : One Thread |
I was reading in alt.tv.er(usenet)and someone had listed casting for season 7 so I clicked on it. It said that they read that er had signed Sherry Stringfield for a least 5 episodes next season. They went on to say that they don't know exactly what to expect upon her return to county general and everything with Dr Green and how this might present a interesting dilema since he has moved on and is currently seeing E.Corday. They said the aritcle continued and was saying how she had left the show only after 2 seasons and the only original characters left were Edwards, Wyle and LaSalle. It went on to say, if you would like to read this article, click here. When I did I got bumped off line and of course when I went back in, i couldn't find it. I could of sworn the line to click on said something about yahoo. Has anyone heard this. I hope I'm not continuing a rumor but man wouldn't that be great to get her back.
-- Renee (slinne32@aol.com), July 22, 2000
Hey, I just found it again. It said the address to read the article is: http://dailynews.yahoo.com.h/eo/20000720/en/stringfield_scrubs_back_in _1htmlwow, I hope I typed this right.
-- Renee (slinne32@aol.com), July 22, 2000.
It seems like a credible story, but the link doesn't work and I can't find it anywhere on Yahoo. And I haven't heard it anywhere else.
-- Lindsay (SoccerGL31@aol.com), July 22, 2000.
The supposed URL seems to indicate that the story originated with E! Online (that's the "eo" in the URL), I just went to E! Online's website and searched all through their news stories and there's nothing there on Sherry Stringfield.
-- Tracy (bankybooda@aol.com), July 22, 2000.
I was in Carolyn's ER Page, and in her news section, she had a copy of the article. She had the web address, but confirmed that they took it off yahoo. I still do not know if I believe this though, I thought it would be on Eonline. They have all the entertainment news.
-- cheese (iluver@hotmail.com), July 22, 2000.
I think it would be great for Sherry Stringfield to return to ER. Ecspecially with what happened to Carter.They had been good friends in the earlier seasons.But I wouldn't get your hopes up,because since everyone seems to not be able to find the article.Maybe it turned out to be false and they had to remove it.....?
-- jessica (jlm44076@yahoo.com), July 23, 2000.
it could also be a mean rumor planted by TPTB!
-- Katie (writegrl@aol.com), July 23, 2000.
I liked Susan and think it would be interesting to see her back for a visit, but on the other hand, there are so many characters on there now that they need to concentrate on developing all the new ones! If they did do this, it would probably be for November sweeps.
-- Melanie (msintn@hotmail.com), July 23, 2000.