Who would you rather have for a cab driver - a polly or a doomer?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

Yea, I know, I'm stretching things here. But if you consider the point that you place your life in the cab driver's hands every time you climb into a taxi, it is a good question.

Who would you rather ride with? A polly that zips in and out of traffic at 75 mph in a 40 mph zone, while smoking a cigarette with one hand, and downing countless martinis in the other, all the while steering the car with his knee, while blasting out Limp Bizkit at full volume with his extensive sound system, and screaming at the other drivers (sounding like Jim Carrey on a bad dose of methamphetamines as he does it)? Or a doomer that drives just a tad over-cautiously - keeping both hands on the wheel and driving at 37 mph in a 40 mph zone (so he can watch out for the other guy)?

-- Butt Nugget (catsbutt@umailme.com), July 21, 2000


You are so full of shit. A polly would never listen to Limp Bizkit.

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), July 21, 2000.

I think I would rather have FutureShock drive the cab.

-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), July 21, 2000.

I don't think so FS. With your self proclaimed dark side, I'd be afraid if you got into a head-on situation, you'd just say " we're all going to die " :-)

-- Mr. Slippery (slip@slide.cum), July 21, 2000.

Butt Nugget, you are aces high with me. This forum needs more of your kind, versus people who wet the bed about how they got barred from some forum by "Nazis".

-- Carl Rogers (DontCall@me.mr), July 21, 2000.

Um....will the doomer look like Mel Gibson in conspiracy theory? Yes you say? Well then...doomer it is! =)

-- cin (cin@cin.cin), July 21, 2000.

cin, you really need to get your mind above your waist, or get a date, know what I mean?

-- Mr. Slippery (slip@slide.cum), July 22, 2000.

mr slip, ahem, Mel Gibson played a doomer cab-driver in that film. perhaps you missed it. Anyway, why would I need a date when I have my shower massager? Geez

-- cin (cin@cin.cin), July 22, 2000.

Uhhhh..... Yaaa.... I saw the movie, and I'm not going to ask what your point is.... Did I hear someone say something about a life?

-- Mr. Slippery (slip@slide.cum), July 22, 2000.

LOL Butt,

Thanks for the "support"...

<:)))))= (very big grin)

-- Sysman (y2kboard@yahoo.com), July 22, 2000.

These analogies are getting a bit bizarre. Is "polly" synonymous with "reckless"? That seems like quite a stretch. I know plenty of cautious cynics.

-- moderate (punch@is.good), July 22, 2000.

Who would you rather have for an accountant - a polly or a doomer?

Yea, I know, I'm stretching things here. But if you consider the point that you place your entire financial future in your accountant's hands every time he makes a calculation, it is a good question. In fact, it's not just a good question, it's a fabulous question. It is a stupendous, amazing, stunningly brilliant question. It is, without a doubt, the single most important question that has ever been asked. Would anyone like to see my resume?

So who would you rather have? A polly that uses known factual calculations to arrive at the most accurate and comprehensive conclusions about your financial status, conclusions that turn out, in hindsight, to be absolutely correct?

Or would you rather have a doomer, who would immediately stab all of his co-workers multiple times with his pen until they were dead, and then chop the bodies up into small pieces to be stored and used as food when The End Of The World comes?

Well, what's it gonna be? Huh?? C'mon, make a choice!

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), July 22, 2000.

You're right hmm, a polly never would listen to Limp Bizket (way too mellow and boring).

-- Polly Come Lately (poop@kicker.here), July 22, 2000.

To Hmm:

Butt Nugget's martini-swilling cabbie is probably a stretch, but your example of the homicidal doomer accountant is totally far out. Being a doomer and an ex-accountant myself, I assure you that instead he would organize his co-workers into a food-buying cooperative to economically acquire vast supplies of dried foodstuffs.

-- Regards (cold@critical.eye), July 22, 2000.

Being a doomer and an ex-accountant myself, I assure you that instead he would organize his co-workers into a food-buying cooperative to economically acquire vast supplies of dried foodstuffs.

Thanks for your assurances.

So, the question remains, would you rather have a polly accountant that actually does his job, or one who apparently spends his time organizing his co-workers into a food-buying cooperative to economically acquire vast supplies of dried foodstuffs that will end up going unused?

And, of course, should he not manage to acquire enough dried foodstuffs, there's always the pen stabbing idea.

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), July 22, 2000.


People who are historically proven wrong are being portrayed as mearly "prudent" "cautious" and the like, while those who were correct are being portrayed as reckless and self serving.

Fascinating. Keep this up....I have more papers to write. (could you do me a favor, pessimists? Can you keep a consistant "name" so I can place your posts together for....."examination"? Thank You.)

-- Psych Major (psychob@b.le), July 22, 2000.

You should hire FutureShock as the accountant.

-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), July 22, 2000.

Too funny I'm gonna toss in my 3 cents worth:

Let FS drive the cab and BE the accountant, you'll get there broke :-)

And let cin have the backseat with the shower massage (cin i luv ya baby) after all, she is a WOMAN in need of nothing. Therefore, she wont bother FS, she'll be too busy and she wont want the cash either.

Right cin ?

TOOOO FUNNNYYY thanks for the humor and remember I'm just kiddin

xoxoxox, sumerous

-- consumer (shh@aol.com), July 22, 2000.

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