iMac + Quicktime = help.... : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I just bought 4 vcd's (Dune, Stargate, Austin Powers 2, and Terminator 2: SE) and I can only get the last disk in each set to run the movie (i.e. the 2nd disk of Dune, Stargate, and Powers and the 3rd disk of T2). When I try to play the first disk (& first two disks of T2), I always get error messages either about input/output difficulties or that "the application program that created this file could not be found" (I'm trying to run the movies on my computer - an iMac DV SE - and with QuickTime 4). What's wrong here??? Please help with solution. Thanks.

-- TR (, July 18, 2000


This question has been answered time and again. Quicktime can understand the MPEG streams from all of the .DAT files. The file structure on the above mentioned VCD is however abnormal. To make them work you will need to buy DVD/CD Speed Tools from Intech for about $40. Their web site is


-- Andrew (, July 23, 2000.

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