Johns Hopkins Documentary on : LUSENET : ER Discussions : One Thread |
Hi! In my local paper this morning (The Baltimore Sun), there was a small article about a documentary that ABC is going to air at the end of August and through September. Johns Hopkins Hospital basically gave ABC carte blanche around the hospital for three months last year. It said that Johns Hopkins was happy about the opportunity as it gave them to show what academic hospitals do. It airs on Aug. 30, 31, and Sept. 6, 13, 20, and 27 (only Aug. 31 is a Thursday!) after Millionaire from 10-11 pm. I tried to connect to the Sun website so I could get a link to the article, but I couldn't get on the website. Their homepage is if you want to try it. I couldn't find anything on the ABC site, either. It looks really interesting!
-- Megan (, July 18, 2000
Thanks for the info, Megan! It looks interesting to me, too.
-- Kilim (, July 18, 2000.