Looking for white wheatgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I am looking for a white wheat to plant this fall. I would rather have the light colored wheat instead of red winter wheat. So far all I have found has been recent experimental seed that is reserved for certain licensed experimental farms. I only want to plant a couple or three acres. I had been under the impression that, before the introduction of hard red wheat, a lighter wheat was the standard here. If someone knows more about this or could put me on to a supplier willing to sell small amounts, I would appreciate it. Thanks to all.
-- Ron Quick (lightning@cuol.net), July 16, 2000
Try a farm supply store. They usually have winter wheat in 50# bags for cover crop and I'm sure it is white. We can buy a 50# bag for about $5 and it does real well.
-- barbara (barbaraj@mis.net), July 21, 2000.