Anyone tried Nikon's Teleconverter TC-E2 for Coolpix?? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Has anyone tried using the Nikon Teleconverter lens TC-E2, equivelant to 230mm telephoto, (or the other lenses i.e. wide angle) on their Coolpix digital camera?

What are your comments? Do you like the results? Does the image quality suffer? Is it worth the $100+ price? Do they work well with the camera?


-- John D. Andersen (, July 16, 2000



I have the WC-E24 wide angle, TC-E2 and fisheye supplemental lenses. All three live up to normal Nikon lens quality. I feel they are all bargains at their respective prices. Image quality is terrific.

Now the down side. Due to the physical diameter of each, you cannot use the optical viewfinder. You must rely on the LCD panel as a viewer. And you probably know how difficult that can be in bright sunlight. You will most likely want to invest in one of the many hoods to fit over the LCD to make viewing easier (possible). They are cheap, but all add a bit of cumbersomeness to the camera. The internal flash is also not usable with any of the lenses for the same reason. You need an external flash if you intend to shoot work that needs a flash.

-- Steve Dean (, July 16, 2000.

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