Would Someone Like To Purchase 38Acres In Scenic Vermont?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
My husband and I have 38 acres of beautiful secluded land with an older mobile home in the beautiful NorthEast Kingdom. We are located on Westmore Mtn, minutes from Newport and Canada on a town maintained road. The property is very secluded, with a pond, brook and natural spring. Their are trails, and plenty of wildlife and the property goes up a small mtn so in Fall the views are fantastic! We are just a few minutes from Willoughby Lake with beach, boating and more Mtn trails nearby. Would make a great summer getaway! The property is open and wooded, for gardens, animals, etc. It has an older mobile home on it which needs a little tlc, or their is plent of room to build or bring your own trailer, etc. The restrictions are very lenient and the taxes are only $685.19 yr. We have excellent water, electrric, septic tank, and home comes with 2-oil tanks, propane tank, air conditioner, gas stove, washer & dryer, 2 refrigerators, and other extras! We also have a small barn and dog pen. The elementary school is just a few miles away and the classes are very small, my son loved it!. The high school is about 12 miles in Newport. The reason we are selling is my husband's job relocation. We will miss it as it is a beautiful place! Asking price-$46,000 negotiable! Please email us for more info or leave message on board to contact. Please serious inquiries only, Thanks!!
-- Carla Hoy (hoycarla@hotmail.com), July 15, 2000
To dream the impossible dream....................
-- Jason (AJAMA5@netscape.net), July 15, 2000.
We are looking for about 100 acres with a house and barn in the Champlain Valley. Lower Addison County or upper Rutland County.
-- Bob Ambrozaitis (rambrozaitis@snet.net), July 19, 2000.
Carla, Not certain if you have already found a buyer. If not, I am interested & wish to speak with you. Please respond.Regards,
-- Robert (profitsharing@mindspring.com), November 19, 2001.