anyone have : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I was wanting to get peacocks and wondering if anyone has had them and what they are like to have around. What kind of living conditions do they need and what do they eat. Thanks
-- lynda (, July 13, 2000
Used to live 1/2 mile from a farm that had peacocks and we could often hear the cocks squawking (sp?). They are pretty noisy but beautiful.
-- Vaughn (, July 13, 2000.
I have had Peafowl for a few years. Right now I have 1 cock and 2 hens. All my fowl are free range and the Peafowl eat everything from chicken mash, goat feed and the cats and dogs food. They also join the guineas in eating bugs in the garden. The only trouble I have had was during a very cold spell one winter a Peacock was caught out of the barn and froze to death. They have been relatively trouble free. They do have an unusual and loud call, but they are beautiful
-- Dianne (, July 13, 2000.
My Dad always raised peacocks--we had lots of them around! On an old thread you will find a story about the time Dad's peacocks went to visit the funeral home on the hill-& were sitting on the hearse in the garage of the funeral home--& they make a noise that sounds like someone yelling, "help"! Our undertaker was busy & working late one night & he said, he really got goosie--when he kept hearing someone yelling for help! ha--before he found the peacocks--so don't let them go to the funeral home to visit! ha/ Another time the sheriff called & said, several of Dad's peacocks had gone to town & they were roosting in the cedar trees, on the courthouse lawn in the town square. So several of the family went to retrieve the peacocks out of the courthouse lawn--my oldier brother had been in the tea (had a few beers) & ended up chaseing the peacocks all over the town--one flew into our local Doctor's picture window--stunning it's self & my brother grabbing it, before it came to & putt it in his truck to take it home--well the peacock came to-- before my brother got home--I guess there was a great deal of excitement in the cab of that truck before he got home! When, we bring up this story --my brother says, it was not as wild, as the time we separated the calf from the bramaha cow & we loaded the calf into the cab of the truck to take it home & the cow also got into the cab of the truck--well that is another story--But, my family has at least a million peacock stories-- (and when we try to tell them, we all start laughing so hard no one can finish the stories) so there will be few dull moments with peacocks on your homestead--or maybe it was just my family! ha! Sonda in Ks.
-- Sonda (, July 14, 2000.
My Dad always raised peacocks--we had lots of them around! On an old thread you will find a story about the time Dad's peacocks went to visit the funeral home on the hill-& were sitting on the hearse in the garage of the funeral home--& they make a noise that sounds like someone yelling, "help"! Our undertaker was busy & working late one night & he said, he really got goosie--when he kept hearing someone yelling for help! ha--before he found the peacocks--so don't let them go to the funeral home to visit! ha/ Another time the sheriff called & said, several of Dad's peacocks had gone to town & they were roosting in the cedar trees, on the courthouse lawn, in the town square. So several of the family went to retrieve the peacocks out of the courthouse lawn--my oldier brother had been in the tea (had a few beers) & ended up chaseing the peacocks all over the town--one flew into our local Doctor's picture window--stunning it's self & my brother grabbing it, before it came to & put it in his truck to take it home--well the peacock came to-- before my brother got home--I guess there was a great deal of excitement in the cab of that truck before he got home! When, we bring up this story --my brother says, it was not as wild, as the time we separated the calf from the bramaha cow & we loaded the calf into the cab of the truck to take it home & the cow also got into the cab of the truck--well that is another story-- then there was the time we bought 2 fighting cocks & had them in the same cage in the cab of the truck & they got the door open to the cage & the fight was on in the cab of the truck, while going down the hwy. in the center lane of traffic. But, my family has at least a million peacock stories--(and when we try to tell them, we all start laughing so hard no one can finish the stories) so there will be few dull moments with peacocks on your homestead--or maybe it was just my family! ha! Sonda in Ks.
-- Sonda (, July 14, 2000.
Sorry about the double post & adding to the story--I really should not be posting at 1:13 A.M. When I haven't had sleep for a long time-- I'll quit & go to bed! Sonda in Ks.
-- Sonda (, July 14, 2000.
My friend, a cop, tells of raiding a home and hearing a woman scream. They drilled the perks, but they denied that there were any women in the house. Yep, you guessed it ~ a peacock or hen!
-- ~Rogo (, July 14, 2000.
my neighbor "from hell" had them, they were the prettiest birds i have ever seen,but they were the loudest nastest bird i have ever seen too. i do not blame the birds for this but her . she would not contain them on her 1 ac. so they started to feed here, and would compete with our turkeys and chickens. they ended up killing 2 toms are 5 chickens. my husband throw a rock at them to break up a fight and killed one, we were sued for 500.00$ we won when we proved we were defending our livestock. i do not know if this it normal for the birds to act this way , like i said she was not a good owner.
-- renee oneill (, July 14, 2000.
Someone asked this question not too long ago, and got quite a few responses. Can't find it archived at the moment.
-- R. (, July 14, 2000.
The other answers are under "Any peafowl hints" in the "Hen House" threads.
-- R. (, July 14, 2000.
We have peafowl, and have had for several years, they are noisy but also beautiful, we have a common male, a black shoulder male and a totally white male, plus four hens, right now three small chicks, don't know what they will be yet. Used to let them roam free but these birds do like to travel aprox 1-2 miles (always come home) and they love to get in the neighbors gardens or leave "deposits" on their vechiels! We have built a large pen for them and they are doing well, they do need a heat light if you have cold winters, like we do in Washington. They are alot of fun to have and very beautiful to look at and watch.
-- Lorraine Gamache (, July 15, 2000.
I have never had peafowl, however, one breeder wrote an interesting article on them in my exotic bird journals. He claimed that peacocks were fascinated by reflective surfaces, and found out in a whimsical manner that an old mirror from a garage sale propped up in his yard did an excellent job of keeping the fowl to home...they evidentally spent hours in front of it amusing themselves. I don't know if it actually works (he claimed shiny hubcaps did likewise), but it would certainly be a cheap thing to try. He also said that they would keep your vehicles picked clean of any squashed bugs.
-- Julie Froelich (, September 02, 2000.
Yes peacocks love to look at themselves .Whenever I go to the neighbors I have to be careful not to run them over when I leave , as they are always looking at themselves in my bumpers .
-- Patty Gamble (, September 02, 2000.
So, does anyone have peacocks for sale? I would like two hens.
-- cynthia summers (, May 18, 2001.