bushels/acre for corn, wheat, oats, and milo? beans for a lb?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Does anyone know how many bushels per acre you could expect in average soil for corn, wheat, oats, and milo, under "normal" rain conditins? Also, does anyone know how many lima, pinto, and red bean plants (vine or bush) it takes to get a dry pound with average soil, and ideal watering?

Thanks for all the input you folks always provide. Your a nice group of folks, you all know that?

-- Marty (Mrs.Puck@excite.com), July 12, 2000


Marty: You really need to go talk to your local ag agent - it's what you are paying them for. Within even my county conditions may vary within a couple of miles due to different soil structure. Then fertilization, weeding, etc. come into play and that is on a farm-by- farm basis. You need to seek a local answer.

-- Ken Scharabok (scharabo@aol.com), July 12, 2000.

I can give you an answer on the beans. On our farm, it takes twenty feet of row to produce one pound of dried beans.

-- Leo (wintersongfarm@yahoo.com), July 13, 2000.

I'm not exactly sure where I read it, but it said here in TN that 40 bushels of beans to an acre was considered a really good yeild...

-- Eric in TN (ems@nac.net), July 14, 2000.

Marty, in this county of Iowa, corn is 160-190 bushels/acre. Field soy beans are 50-55 bushels/acre. Oil seed beans were set at 48 bushels/acre by the feds for some recent program. No wheat around here, oats are rare, no milo to speak of. Milo yields would appear very skimpy given the way it would pack in a measure. That might be more usually given in weight per acre because of that.

Right off hand, I can't think of anywhere I've got yield figures for edible beans. If it is really important, I'll burrow into the oven upstairs and see if I've got some old ag books that might give you some help. Let me know. Gerbil

-- Gerbil (ima_gerbil@hotmail.com), July 14, 2000.

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