DSC-S50 Question

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I just recently purchased a Sony DSC-S50 digital camera. After having taken a few shots I have noticed something that may be normal and I hope I can correct. When taking pictures of light objects outdoors, the pictures come out rather dark. When I take pictures of dark objects like trees with the sun overhead, the pictures come out ok. I tested this by going to a lake and taking pictures of the water first. They all came out too dark regardless of the setting. When I turned the camera on some trees and took the picture they came out ok. Does anyone know of a good setting on this camera so that I can have some idea of how the pictures are going to come out. They all seem to be Ok when viewed on the LCD but that thing is so bright almost any picture will look fine.

Also what about taking pictures indoors? Those are coming out a little dark as well.

Any help would be appreciated.


-- Shaun Davis (sdavis80@hotmail.com), July 11, 2000


It is well known that this model camera has a tendency to have poor inter-refrative capacitance coupling. Therefore, the best way to deal with the pictures coming out too dark is to take the picture while riding a motorcycle!!!

-- (tobysmif@austin.rr.com), December 11, 2002.

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