Dr. Steve Flint in "Legends of the Fall"greenspun.com : LUSENET : ER Discussions : One Thread |
Did anyone else catch Dr. Flint in this movie when it ran on TV Sunday night? It was towards the end of the movie when Alfred's (Aidan Quinn) supporters come to his father's house. I thought it was cool to see him there. (P.S. Can someone give me the actor's name--I couldn't find it here or on IMDB? Also, what type of dr. is he on ER? Thanks.)
-- Carla (chloe4293@netscape.net), July 11, 2000
Oooh, I love Dr. Flint!! He's head of radiology, but I don't know his real name, sorry.
-- joy (joygirl01@yahoo.com), July 12, 2000.
Dr. Steve Flint is played by Scott Jaeck.
-- Barbara (BarbnMS@hotmail.com), October 14, 2000.
Star Trek fans will recognize him as Lt. Commander Cavit, Captain Janeway's ill-fated original first officer in the pikot of Star Trek: VoyagerNYPD Blue fans will recall him from several late 4th season and the first 5th season episodes as the sleazy FBI agent Kriegel who got Bobby into a major jam.
-- Todd Smitts (t_smitts@hotmail.com), July 13, 2001.