Playing VCD's and Audio CD's on Sony DVP-C650D : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I am having trouble playing VCD's and Audio CD's on my Sony DVP-C650D DVD player. I am using the Memorex Platinum CD-RW's, as recommended by someone in this forum for this type of DVD player, and using Easy CD Creator 4.0 Deluxe to burn the CD-RW's. The CD-RW's minimum write speed is 2x so that is the speed at which I am writing. I need help!!! Thank You

-- Thomas Rawley (, July 11, 2000


Thomas, try changing up your media. Try Sony, Verbatim, Maxell, anything else. As I have mentioned before, I've had a lot of grief with Memorex and will not buy their product again. i don't think your write speed is causing the problem, but I keep my write speeds low in order to avoid errors. Also, limit the amount of activity on your PC during the writing process (i.e. don't do anything while writing).

Good Luck


-- Tygrus (, July 11, 2000.

i have a the player that yours replaces(dvp-c600d) and ive had sucess with Memorex and Smart& Friendly CDRs. i havent been able to get any cdrw to work.

-- ndumu (, July 11, 2000.

The 650D is the replacement for the 600D changer. Sony remove the discrete dual laser from the 650D so that it will not read CDRs. The 600D changer does not read CDRWs and I have tried several different brands and I was never successful. However, the 600D reads every brand of CDR I have used. Some of the lower priced Sonys will read CDRWs and not CDRs and are not dual lasers but it is possible that the remaining laser left in the 650D which reads the DVD (if the same as the 600D) will only read the commercial pressed discs.

Please note that the write speed is usually the maximum when specified on the disc. When making audio or VCDs, there is no error correcting (necessary for data discs) which accounts for why you can put more than 650 MB of data on the disc (up to 72 minutes of video). I always write at 1x so that there are the fewest errors when writing and I find it makes a smoother disc with my burner.

-- klebsiella (, July 12, 2000.

I've started burning CD-RWs at 10x on Plextor 12/10/32 with no physical problems. I'm using Verbatim 10x RW disk and it plays fine in the 650D.

The only problem I have is with the picture quality. VCD is specific about the datarate of 1.150Mbit of 352x240 @29.97fps. MPEG-1 is not a very good compressor and it looses too much info after compression. I've tried recording at 2Mbit rate but the Sony 650D won't play it. It recognizes the VCD and the time ticks on but no video.

Any one know how to increase the quality of a standard VCD?

Cheers, mark

-- Mark B (, July 31, 2000.

Thomas, CD-RW won't work on Sony DVP-C650D. I used CDR and Nero 5.0 software. It works great!

-- John (, February 01, 2001.

I have sony dvp-650d and it doesn't play VCDs recorded via Nero 5.5. I am using imation CDs. Has any one else been able to get it to work?

-- Kush Jain (, August 22, 2003.

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