What is the name of the first company to publish Poe and is it still in operation?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : The Work of Edgar Allan Poe : One Thread

What was the name of the first company to first publish Poes poetry? Is it still in Operation? Asking because I am a poet and a Big fan of Mr. Poe . My work has been compared endlessly to his own , I accept this critisism with much humility. I have realesed my first collection through a smaal subsity publisher called Dorrance Publishing . The work is a small collection and most likely will be seen by very few people. I would like my next collection to be published by the same publisher that first worked with Poe because I am most inspired by his work and it would be a great honor to me is I could make this happen. Thank you for your time and please answer with any info you have ASAP because Im only 6 poems away from the compleation of my 2nd book and things will be put together soon. Again thank you..

-- Anonymous, July 09, 2000

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