revisited : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

In the previous thread about freeplants Gerbil brought up a good point about patented plants and the need to be careful so as not to run afoul of the law etc. I posted a question regarding that on the freeplants forum. Below is the answer I received. --------------------------------------------------------------------- It's never been a problem for me because I grow the simple stuff. The most important thing you need to do is make sure you know the correct name of the plants that you are propagating. I highly recommend that you buy the parent plants that you intend to grow. If they are not properly labeled, don't buy them.

Don't let patents and registered trade marks scare you off. Most of the plants that fall into this category are a little more difficult to grow and most professional growers don't even grow them. There is plenty of money to made growing simple trees and shrubs that have been around for years and years long before anything was patented. You'll do just fine. ----------------------------------------------------------------------

-- john leake (, July 07, 2000


To give you an idea of demand for nursery plants, they are now the leading agricultural product in Oregon and third in California - after milk/cheese and wine.

Request a sample copy of AgVentures magazine at Six issues a year for $21.00. When they do an article on a venture, it is in depth and they provide further references and sources.

-- Ken Scharabok (, July 07, 2000.

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