Does anyone want to live off grid in the mountains for free? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Does anyone know of anyone who wants to live off grid in the Tennessee mountains on a 600 acre organic mountain farm in exchange for labor. All housing,food,and most other needs taken care of plus some pocket money. We need a healthy couple, preferably in their 30's or 40's . More information to those interested e-mail
-- Gregg & Roxanne Marble (, July 05, 2000
I would love to live off grid in the Tennessee mountains on a 600 acre organic mountain farm. I am 25 years old male from Turkey. Please provide more information, maybe some photos. Best regards Mr. Erguven
-- kerem erguven (, July 11, 2000.
Greg and Roxanne, it sounds ideal. I am 26, wife 28 and two little girls 2 1/2 years and 3 months. I am a nurse, my wife stays home at this time with the girls. We both go to school, I graduate this spring with my Bachelors in Regional Planning. We are looking for a piece of land, to work, and one day to own. We are a family with respect for the earth and have values. email me at any time, I would love to talk, to you or anyone else. E
-- Erik Miller (, February 19, 2001.
My husband and I are looking for a place to live in East Tn. We would be very willing to work. We have three children 8, 3, 2. We have sold our house in Ohio and will be moving on Dec.1. Please e-mail me with more info.
-- michelle beebe (, November 13, 2001.