why do christan,s sin??

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

SPLIT-PERSONALITIES!!a mixture of spirit of christ/spirit of satan! the battle for the soul!seeds & weeds-grow to-gether.the battlfield is the mind!!a daily choice of who to obey! this is not child,s play[false christianity] like any child[raised-correctly]alot of slack for babies[immature-saint,s]but there are times for spanking!so it is in the spiritual-life!---old-nature--vs.--new-nature!old nature-resist,s--new-nature-submit,s!alot of problem=is wrong-teaching!! why all the sorrow[hell] in this world-of man?? simple--wrong=choices!!!GOD BLESSES-.THE TEACHABLE! WE MAKE OUR OWN=HEAVEN-OR-HELL!all comment,s-understood! have a nice-life..

-- al-d. (dogs@zianet.com), July 05, 2000


Christianity was government for a very long time.The concept of sin was the easiest form of social control.Gotta keep the masses in line? Threaten them with eternal damnation and don't let 'em learn to read.

-- zoobie (zoobiezoob@yahoo.com), July 05, 2000.

zoobie,you are correct.FALSE christianity [carnal-mind]has done alot of damage.your into bhuddism,you understand-emperor,no? the TRUE jesus,is not being-preached.you believe in good & evil,no? there is SO-MUCH=spiritual reality in bhuddism,thats why it is so- decieving!some=truth is the enemy of THE TRUTH.[TREE OF GOOD & EVIL] you have=master-teachers,no?ascended-ones!oh the deception is awesome. bhudda was a FALSE-CHRIST!!!

-- al-d. (dogs@zianet.com), July 05, 2000.

zoobie,you are correct.FALSE christianity [carnal-mind]has done alot of damage.your into bhuddism,you understand-emperor,no? the TRUE jesus,is not being-preached.you believe in good & evil,no? there is SO-MUCH=spiritual reality in bhuddism,thats why it is so- decieving!some=truth is the enemy of THE TRUTH.[TREE OF GOOD & EVIL] you have=master-teachers,no?ascended-ones!oh the deception is awesome. bhudda was a FALSE-CHRIST!!!EVER study hinduism?check it out! they have so many gods,they have a hard time remebering there names! beware of the .ism,s.yes the bible has been-spiritually misunderstood,for centuries!besides,it has too be spiritually- dicerned!IT IS A SPIRITUAL-BOOK!HENCE-YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN!! too even begin to understand!may the TRUE-GOD, open you eyes zoob.

-- al-d. (dogs@zianet.com), July 05, 2000.



-- cpr (buytexas@swbell.net), July 05, 2000.

CPR, wow bro. you got a warped picture.sure we are all below what GOD intended for us,but he knows our frame[psalm 103]GOD solved the problem[sent the saviour]so why not take the-.cure!!

-- al-d. (dogs@zianet.com), July 05, 2000.

Who is this "God" fellow you all keep going on about? Anyone got a url?

-- number six (!@!.com), July 05, 2000.

#6, that would be the LATE George Burns, so I guess it's party time now!

-- Whatever (who@car.es), July 05, 2000.

we have three parts: body, soul, and spirit. the spirit is the part that relates to god. if i feed my soul all the time (entertainment, self indulgence, greed/materialism, physical kinds of lusts and pleasures), then i get a nice fat soul that probably thinks alot about worldly needs, wants and me, me, me!!!

or if i feed my spirit all the time, it gets fat and i hear god better, relate to him better, focus more on god things.

the soul and the spirit need very different foods. personally i like my spirit self better than my soul self--although it seems to make me more sensitive to the suffering around me and the evil around me bothers me more.

only problem is both can't be fat in the same body--there is only so much room. when one gets fat, the other loses weight. i think when i have a very fat soul and a skinny spirit--i sin more. the object is to simply feed the soul--and as a natural result, i will want to obey more and sin less. simple formula.

-- tt (cudlluppy@aol.com), July 05, 2000.


Where is the existence of mind to be found in your 3-part model of self?

-- Zoobie (zoobiezoob@yahoo.com), July 05, 2000.

RITE ON, C-PUPPY!soul outa control--wheww,hard on self!! old-nature-vs.-new nature!!a daily-battle! now i know why-paul said''i crucify mySELF daily!!! thank GOD for-grace[help to do right] psalm->103 help,s me when i feel like giving-up!!!

-- al-d. (dogs@zianet.com), July 05, 2000.

Why would a person feel the need to believe in a god of any kind?Are you so full of doubt that you can't think for yourself about anything?There is a saying about a person like that."He don't know S..t from shinola"

-- Dan Newsome (BOONSTAR1@webtv.net), July 05, 2000.

SO DAN, what are you here for?hey dan,jesus said-some won,t believe! it takes more faith to doubt!even-creation-speak,s of a creator! yah tell me about the big-bang thang! so who created the element,s to go bang??so there was void,& void said to ???let there be light?

-- al-d. (dogs@zianet.com), July 05, 2000.

Why do we sin? Excuse me, speak for yourself. My life is too short of monetary consequence, and I am a Grandmother. There isn't any sinning here, except for an occasional judging of someone. Then I slap myself on the face and remind myself, it isn't my business. I am only human, after all. Most the people I meet, are good people. Who dreampt up this sinning business? Maybe the press, the Government? The Bible says "Love Ye, One Another". Can I exempt that fast food bitch who moves too slow? No, I am only human, and I still am frustrated with her. Electric prod, anyone?

-- Searching (forsinners@here.com), July 05, 2000.

wow gran/ma!so you never sin?[miss the mark] ''slap the bitch??????? we,re ALL sinner,s/who can be saved!!but being -born again,is just the beginning of a life=long process!PAUL the apostle-said at the end of his ministry_> i am the chief of sinner,s!!so what,s that make us?? HE also said,i have not arrived-at full [spiritual-maturity]but-- never -the less[i press on].and not too many=suffered for there - faith like paul!!AL-D. is being-worked on-so get your eyes OFF-ME'and get them on JESUS!!!!

-- al-d. (dogs@zianet.com), July 05, 2000.

Al,I'd like to clear up a few misconceptions about the man called Buddha.Buddha never claimed to be a messiah,or to have had any supernatural influence.Buddha repeatedly refused to address metaphysical issues.Buddha only ever claimed to have realized through human effort the removal of suffering caused by clinging to ignorant misunderstanding.Buddha never asked people to worship him or cling to his teachings as a dogmatic theology,he merly claimed that if you practiced awareness as he practiced,you would experience the same benefit that he did.Buddha never preached faith,only understanding.You don't have to agree with his teachings,but you could at least spell his name correctly(you obviously mis-spell his name intentionaly). It would show some civility as well as respect for the rights of others see things differantly.

-- zoobie (zoobiezoob@yahoo.com), July 05, 2000.


".You don't have to agree with his teachings,but you could at least spell his name correctly(you obviously mis-spell his name intentionaly)."

I wouldn't worry too much unless you know what a Christan is.

-- DB (Debunker@nowhere.xxx), July 05, 2000.

al, I seem to be one of the few left on this board with any tolerance for you, mostly because I (and I'm sure it's the same for the others) believe that we each have a right to our opinions, whether or not we agree with those opinions.

Now, day after day, thread after thread, you purport to preach "Christianity". Yet on this very thread, you more or less chastise at least four people, simply because you don't happen to agree with them. Is that a demonstration of your Christianity, al? Is that a demonstration of "tolerance"? Where's your respect for not only the opinions of others, but for their beliefs and their deities (for want of a better term)? (Reference your constant misspelling of "Buddha".) Nevermind that, where's your respect for them as PEOPLE?

The Christianity I learned taught tolerance of and respect for others, most of all those with whom we disagree or those who, in our eyes, "have sinned". Where's your tolerance, al? What "brand" of "Christianity" are you preaching? I'm starting to think consumer has you pegged correctly. Anyone can quote scripture; it is the rare man, indeed, who can actually live it.

-- Patricia (PatriciaS@lasvegas.com), July 05, 2000.

DADGUM patricia,or are you sumer?any how 'i,ve said MANY-TIMES ,on many post,s I AIN,T PERFECT!!!i bet you didn,t even read the post/question-''why do christian,s sin''gee if christian,s blow it [they must not be perfected yet]and i include myself!! so what,s your beef????i just asked a question,,,and included my understanding[at my growth-level]think what you want,it,s a free- board-no??FRANKLY there,s not 1 person i dislike,who post,s here!! including zoobie!IF i had my way[not] we,d ALL get saved & ALL be safe in GODS -KINGDOM!!!!even dan,the hates al-man!!

-- al-d. (dogs@zianet.com), July 05, 2000.

DADGUM patricia,or are you sumer?any how 'i,ve said MANY-TIMES ,on many post,s I AIN,T PERFECT!!!i bet you didn,t even read the post/question-''why do christian,s sin''gee if christian,s blow it [they must not be perfected yet]and i include myself!! so what,s your beef????i just asked a question,,,and included my understanding[at my growth-level]think what you want,it,s a free- board-no??FRANKLY there,s not 1 person i dislike,who post,s here!! including zoobie!IF i had my way[not] we,d ALL get saved & ALL be safe in GODS -KINGDOM!!!!even dan,the hates al-man!!woop.s the [not] thing =mean,s i don,t have my way!but i can pray!!

-- al-d. (dogs@zianet.com), July 05, 2000.

al, I read the post.....I read all of your posts because I'm interested in your perspective on things, whether or not I understand or agree with whatever it is you're trying to say. I'm not consumer; but like consumer, I post using my real name (except once on the "Bumper Stickers" thread).

I know you've said you "AIN,T PERFECT", but I'm just trying to point out to you that if you have a little more respect for other people's opinions, beliefs, PERSONS, they would have a little more respect for you and yours. And isn't that the fundamental "mantra" of the Bible and the teachings, al...*respect*?

As to your question "why do christan,s sin??", I didn't answer you because the best I could come up with was a couple of smart-ass answers and I didn't want to do that to your thread (and, oh, was I tempted). I may not respond to all of your threads, al, but I DO read them. I may not agree with all of your threads, al, but I DO respect them. And I've NEVER posted simply to correct your spelling, punctuation or grammar -- OUT OF RESPECT.

I "AIN,T PERFECT" either, but this board has enabled me to have a bit more respect for and a bit more understanding of those with whom I disagree on a myriad of subjects. Additionally, with one or two exceptions, I respect the posters here because they have taken the time to put their thoughts, their feelings, their opinions out there for all the world to see. You've never seen me start a thread, have you, al? That's because I don't have the proverbial "gonads" to do it. So I have a TON of respect for most who do.

So please don't "DADGUM" me, al. I'm trying to help you here.

And if it turns out in the end that you are playing with people's heads and I'm a sucker, you're the only one who's going to lose.

But it's not for me to decide.

-- Patricia (PatriciaS@lasvegas.com), July 05, 2000.


I suppose Christians sin for the same reason as us sinners first class do. We all are weak and sometimes we give in to temptation.

Though I do admire how you so strongly resist the temptation to write in coherent sentences.

-- Friendly Ghost (heain'tc@sper.com), July 06, 2000.

Dear patricia,i have mucho-respect for YOUR opinions. if i,ve come across AS trying TO BE OFFENSIVE-THEN I,M TRULY-SORRY!! but please try to understand-JESUS was very-offensive at times!.. in order to open -eyes!--satan is very-real,& the master of deception. especially when it comes to ,spiritual-things! if you,ve read my post,s [you say you do]have you noticed the malicious-attack,s?especially againt my wife.who has no interest in this forum!!she thinks it,s just a big-ego trip!!! i,m the dummy for coming-back for-more!!

-- al-d. (dogs@zianet.com), July 06, 2000.

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