Those Were the Daze - TB1 Poll from July : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
I was cleaning up my files and bookmarks when I happened upon this. It is worth looking at, just to see how doomerish the old TB was, even at July 99.
(And, yes, I admit it, I gave a small chance -10%- to a Yourdon level event.)
-- Johnny Canuck (, July 03, 2000
Oops.Proper Link
-- Johnny Canuck (, July 03, 2000.
Great find!
-- Carlos (, July 04, 2000.
re: that thread: as usual: Carlos "no opinion".
SCENARIO ADVOCATE -------- -------- Bump in the road Koskinen Recession (as bad as 70's) Yardeni Depression (as bad as 30's) Yourdon Collapse (fall of US government) Milne Devolutionary spiral Infomagic give your one line distribution of probabilities of the scenarios from Bump to Devolution. They should sum to 100. If everyone puts a # as the first character, and uses commas as a seperator, I'll sort the results in a few days and post two averages; one comprised of only "regulars" and one of all posters. Here is my entry (winner gets to mudwrestle with King of Spain): # 1,28,50,20,1 -- a (a@a.a), July 14, 1999 Answers "The first 90% of a software project takes the first 90% of the time. The last 10% of a software project takes the other 90% of the time." # 0,2,25,48,25 (read paragraphs 1 & 3 of "An Introduction") -- MinnesotaSmith (, July 15, 1999. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- #100,0,0,0,0 If I had a choice of something less than a bump in the road, I would have picked it. I've worked for too long in Y2k and engineering to buy the exagerations and hype you guys expound. Most effects of y2k have happened THIS year will be relatively uneventful. Facts work for me....and by the way, I will be around on January 1, 2000 to see you guys eat crow, or all those reserves you've put back, lol! Regards, -- FactFinder (, July 16, 1999. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- #0,0,10,80,10 -- Steve Heller (, July 15, 1999. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------