Did George Clooney ever come back?greenspun.com : LUSENET : ER Discussions : One Thread |
Did he ever come back between season five, when he left the show, and the episode, Such Sweet Sorrow? I know there were rumors of it but, i never knew if it happenedd.
-- KC Rietzke (karchipper@hotmail.com), July 03, 2000
Oh KC, you HAVE to catch "SSS" on the repeats this summer!He was only on for the last few minutes, but it was the best part of the show! If you didn't know he was going to appear (& some NBC affiliates gave it away), you were totally surprised. I still cry when I watch it. But with a big grin on my face.
-- AmyE (roamyn@aol.com), July 03, 2000.
No, once George Clooney left the show after The Storm Part II, he never appeared again until the end of SSS. There was mention of him, but we never saw his face.
-- Carin Haseltine (cdenisehaze@usa.net), July 03, 2000.