Looking for peacocksgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I see that Murray McMurray hatchery is completely sold out of peacock babies for this year. I would like to buy about a dozen of them. If anyone will be selling chicks, please let me know. Thanks
-- Kim Scales (barkinbarnyard@rrv.net), July 03, 2000
My mom raises peacocks on her farm, and she did mention that one of her hens was setting. I know she has some 2 year olds (males aren't fully filled out featherwise yet) that she's trying to sell. She may consider selling babies, I'll check. If your interested in adults, e- mail me privately, and I'll see what I can do. I'll write again if she will consider selling babies. She does allready have about 20 of them.
-- Marty P. (Mrs.Puck@excite.com), July 03, 2000.
Kim, Where are you located?
-- R. (thor610@yahoo.com), July 03, 2000.
I have a hen sitting right now and have others from 2 years old up. Where do you live?
-- Dee Engstrom (rendee@trvnet.net), July 09, 2000.
Hi looking for a hen for my male I live in NJ let me know
-- Bruce Landau (BuddinGoldFarm@aol.com), May 09, 2001.
I was wondering what breed or breeds you have please let me know and how many your willing to sell. I'm just starting to collect.
-- Misty Crawford (buggy@fiai.net), May 14, 2001.
We have some babies for sale . As well as adults.
-- Kim Froble (karenf@a1usa.net), July 23, 2001.
I too am looking for peacocks, I am in East Texas. Anyone know where I can look? Thanks Sharon W.
-- Sharon Wisnoski (rosharon41@aol.com), April 01, 2002.