What is the best camera to deliver top quality 8x10 prints?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I want to be able to take photos outdoors, some action and then be able to produce as close to analogue quality 8x10 prints as possible. I know I need a 3+ megapixel camera, but I need advice on which is best.

-- Cris Hammond (cris1099@aol.com), July 01, 2000


To me, there is only one camera that fits that bill and that is the new Casio QV3000EX. It has the ability to to take absolutely fantastic pictures outdoors and if you want to get close up has a macro facility of 6cm. As for 8 x 10, well with a 3.3mega pixel camera, what do you expect. Another plus sign is that this camera is CFII. I use it with the IBM Microdrive 340mb,fantastic. I have just dispensed with a Kodak DC260 which I used to think was a great camera but this new one well wow would be the only word. Okay, it does look a bit on the plastic side but then again I'm not for posing, what I want is a camera that can deliver the goods.

So, as long as you have a decent printer (I use an Epson 750 and that is fantastic), you should coupled with this camera print some truely superb results. Only one word of critism and that would be buy the optional AC Adaptor if you want to use this camera with the IBM Microdrive. This drive sucks juice off batteries whilst downloading lots of pics/AVI's.

-- Mike Paterson (mike@paterson3.freeserve.co.uk), July 02, 2000.

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