my dream has come : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hi Everyone, We just bought a 10 acre farm. It has 3 barns, achicken coop and a country kitchen ouside. It also has apple, pear and mullberry trees. I need so much advice,it isnt funny.!!!!!!!!!! i want to be able to make money of the farm.The place we bought is in Milan Indiana. the people who live there now grows corn and sells it right in the drive way.I also want to get some planters to sell plants next summer, but i dont know where to get the hanging planters. Any advice? blessings KELLY AND ROGER
-- kelly (milkgoats12@AOL.COM), June 30, 2000
Best wishes To you-----There are hundreds of ways to make your farm pay! Once you get moved there I'm sure you will be able to see most of them for your self, that you have an interest in & will carry through on. We all can give you hundreds of ideas--but if you don't want to do the work or follow through, it won't be done! As far as planters--I watch garage sales, & auctions for what I want or need at reasonable prices! I have picked up many hanging baskets at garage sales for as little as 5 cents a basket, 25 cents is my limit! ha Best wishes! Sonda in Ks.
-- Sonda (, July 01, 2000.
Congratulations on your new home! I'm going to be selling some tomatoes this year, just to see how it goes. I found a web site for people who are interested in market gardening. Someone on there might be able to help you with your hanging basket containers, also. Good luck!
-- Annie (, July 01, 2000.
Kelly, I live about 25 minutes from Milan. The lady I told you about on the goat thread is going to call you, if she hasn't yet. She can give you lots of advice, and she has a couple friends that will be very helpful-goats, spinning, herbs, oraganic gardening, etc. If you don't know it yet, Milan is where the movie Hoosiers is based on , you'll hear that more that once. You'll be about 15 minutes from Versailles state park(really nice) and close to Friendship, In. where they have the Shoot(muzzle loading) twice a year. There're small town festivals all around. Also one of the best restaurants in the state is there. It's called the Reservation. The county fair is around the 20th of July. I'll e-mail my phone number, I'm sure I can help-gardening, herbs, chickens, canning, etc. and I can direct you to a couple of people that can. there's a really great place to buy plants just outside Versailles. Lot cheaper-The Plant Lady-real nice people. Don't know if you're intersted or not or have kids, but homeschooling is pretty easy in Indiana. There's a Dairy Queen and Jay C store and The Culture Shop. There are some homesteaders around but there's too much big city influence in this area. And if you want a big city, you're not too far from (about 1 1/2 -2 hours) Indpls. Cinti. and Louisville) or maybe not far enough away. Advice-don't start too big too quick. Jealousy- I want a big country kitchen. Congratulations! Cindy
-- Cindy (, July 01, 2000.
hooray! you've got the potential to have a lot of fun and realize a dream many of us can't yet reach. if i might suggest, bees are reasonably easy and can possibly bring in a steady income (depending, as anything on a homestead, on the weather). don't reject the idea out of hand - we managed to bring in 2 1/2 gallons of honey from one hive despite last year's drought. We now have 2 hives, and hope to have enough shallow supers (for our honey) to keep up with this year's great bee weather. fascinating hobby, with great promise. good luck to you - remember, start small and slow, anything worth doing is worth doing right. Judi in ct
-- Judi (, July 01, 2000.
I went to a craft show yesterday up here in Wisconsin. An older lady was selling peas. For 1 1/2 pints, she was getting $1.50 and making a killing at it!! The customers kept coming! She also had strawberries but ran out pretty quick. Everyone asked her how she got peas already and she said she had a green house. The early bird definately got the worm in this situation!!
-- Pat (, July 01, 2000.
Congrats to you! I wasn't sure exactly where Milan was. I thought it was west of Indy (I don't know why). When I saw the post from Sonda(?)regarding Versailles I realized that's pretty close to me. About an hour. Yes, that is really pretty country over that way. Southern Indiana is one of the best kept secrets in the USA. Read Gene Logsdons book, The Contrary Farmer (Heck, read all his books) for some ideas. Keep reading this forum. I only recently started & have found it a great place to get info and ideas from helpful folks. Good luck and may God bless your efforts, John
-- john (, July 02, 2000.
Quick update. Just saw in the forum under the heading Free Book info. Ken Scarbourgh (Forgive my spelling?) has the hot setup for you. I told this forum is great!!!!John
-- john (, July 02, 2000.
Hi folks, Mellinger's in Ohio ahould have the planters you are looking for. If you can't find their address, email me & I'll hunt for my catalog. Your new place sounds great! Enjoy!
-- Jean (, July 03, 2000.
hello kelly,i live in Cache Creek British Columbia, when i was a small child i remember eating mullberries off a huge tree. they were so delicious! i punched in mullberry on the internet and your letter came up. i am curious to know: do you have berries on your mullberry bushes? how warm is your climate? i am wondering if i live in a warm enough area to grow them. thanks, please reply
-- pebs monsos (, April 21, 2001.