Finding "24 Hours" : LUSENET : ER Discussions : One Thread |
I didn't start watching "ER" until the 5th season. I missed the pilot episode "24 Hours". Does anyone know if NBC will ever replay that again? I really want to see that since I missed it. I doubt TNT will ever show it.
-- Cammie (, June 28, 2000
I was wondering that, too. If NBC were really smart, they would rerun it for ratings, many people never saw it. One of my friends watched "ER" since the second episode, but never managed to catch the first one. Did ABC show it? Probably not, since it's two hours. You would think they could cut it into two parts or something. Anyway, good question.~Jessica~ ;-)
-- Jessica (, June 28, 2000.
TPTB if you are reading....I would LOVE to see it too!
-- amanda (, June 28, 2000.
I am not 100% sure of this, but I think you can rent it at video stores. It is called ER: The Movie. My husband is a big ER buff and I bought him a copy a few years back
-- Sidnee (, June 28, 2000.
On the east coast NBC reruns ER on Sunday nights at 11:30 and 12:30 EST and 10:30 and 11:30 CST. They show them in order so when they get around to the Pilot I will let evertone know. They show it since they have 2 hours! I can't wait!
-- Stephanie (, June 28, 2000.
One - they air the pilot on the ABC Saturday night/Sunday morning reruns.Two - you can order the video of it at such places online like or bid on it on eBay.
-- frances christine (, June 28, 2000.
They do have it at Blockbuster Video Stores.
-- Kristal (, June 28, 2000.
Actually, i got it out of my local library, so if your library system has videos it might be worth it to check if they have it...cheaper than blockbuster, even if you wind up returning it late!
-- kim (, July 02, 2000.