The MIS-LEADERS 2. Wife: "It's just right now I feel really alone and scared" : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

My husband doesn't understand and I am really scared and alone.asked in the TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000) Q&A Forum

I'm not quite sure how to explain all the emotions that I am currently going through. I have just had another big row with my husband about Y2K. I have just been told that I am paranoid and that he is fed up with having to deal with it all the time. He doesn't think that the problem is all that serious and that things will be just fine next year.

The other day when I tried to read something to him that I had found over the net he went ballistic and we ended up having a huge argument. He shouted at me then, "what do you expect me to do about it." I attempted to write about it then but was too upset and thought better of it. However, I simply have to tell someone. This isn't a subject that I have a lot of people that I can talk to about. My mother will think I am crackers so I know I can't talk to her about it.

I am feeling really scared right now because my husband doesn't seem to understand. Over the past week he has confirmed my worst fears that he really wasn't that bothered about it. I have tried to talk to him about it, but felt that he didn't really care. He has now confirmed this and I don't know what to do now. I am scared for our children. I am really frightened about how I am feeling. I knew our marriage was on shaky ground but this situation is really bringing home how bad it has become. I really feel like packing up and leaving but where do I go and what do I do. It doesn't seem like a good time to be doing that right now. What really scares me is not being prepared and being stuck with someone who basically doesn't care. I can't imagine what he is going to be like if the SDHTF. I mean he's not much of a handy man at the best of times. He never does anything around the house or yard.

Over the years he has become even more mean-spirited and just plain hard to get on with. The other week he came home one Friday and was actually in a good mood. So much so that one of our children even remarked on how happy daddy was. It's bad when one of your children remarks on it. His happy mood didn't last for long though.

I don't know what to do now. I am really scared and can't believe that I now find myself in this awful position. I am really scared for our children. I have been trying to tell myself for the past two or three weeks that this Y2K thing isn't that bad but I can't shake this bad feeling that I have about it. I know my husband is not going to do anything about it and that anything I do shall cause problems.

Thank you for listening and I realise that somehow I have to deal with this situation myself and try and do what's best for my children. It's just right now I feel really alone and scared.

-- scared (, February 18, 1999

-- cpr (, June 27, 2000


Any shrinks out there? I'm curious to know what syndrome is mainifested by compulsive saving and re-posting of old internet posts. Is this harmless behavior or is it an early warning of serious anti-social activity? . Should cpr be locked up for the protection of Society?

-- (, June 27, 2000.

Any shrinks out there? I'm curious to know what syndrome is mainifested by compulsive saving and re-posting of old internet posts.

Perhaps you should ask "Linkmeister" or Diane Squire.

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), June 27, 2000.

I mean he's not much of a handy man at the best of times. He never does anything around the house or yard.

Over the years he has become even more mean-spirited and just plain hard to get on with. The other week he came home one Friday and was actually in a good mood. So much so that one of our children even remarked on how happy daddy was. It's bad when one of your children remarks on it. His happy mood didn't last for long though.

I am not a counselor but after reading this I believe I can reasonably conclude that there are serious problems with this relationship prior to Y2K. I hope they rectified them.

As a rule, Y2K more than likely wasn't the cause of problems in many relationships but brought underlying problems to the surface. I believe the "whole picture" needs to be taken into consideration.

-- Imminent TEOTWAWKI (Lurker@tb.boom), June 27, 2000.

"Any shrinks out there? I'm curious to know what syndrome is mainifested by compulsive saving and re-posting of old internet posts. Is this harmless behavior or is it an early warning of serious anti-social activity? . Should cpr be locked up for the protection of Society?"

Indeed, there is good reason for concern here. This CPR individual appears to be have snapped under the stress of deeply repressed anger.

Due to an almost complete lack of self-esteem, he was traumatized by the comments of those who criticized him for changing his mind about the threat of Y2K, and in typical self-destructive fashion, turned his anger upon himself. This internalized anger has rendered him completely dysfunctional in normal society and developed into severe anti-social behavior patterns.

As an outlet to avoid complete self-destruction of the individual, this anger has manifested itself in the form of a delsuion of grandeur, in which CPR sees himself as a superior tyrant-like dictactor, scorning and torturing those who "betrayed" him with violent and vengeful words of condemnation. He is having a severe psychotic episode which could result in serious harm to others before the anger is released and reality is re-established.

Since he is finding it difficult to fulfill the demands of his episode by simply posting on the internet obsessively and continously for the last 2 weeks, using large and bold type, he may seek out real- life victims. He is likely to choose a victim who he sees as a respected high-profile figure who has influenced the views of those who criticized his own opinions.

Anyone who lives in the vicinity of this individual is urged to keep him under close surveillance, and attempt to alert those close to him to seek out professional help for him. Best wishes.

-- cyber freud (have@straightjacket.ready), June 27, 2000.

Hi cyberfrog, I just have one question:

Does the vending machine where you got your degree take dollar bills or do you have to use change?

-- (hmm@hmm.hmm), June 27, 2000.

*FREE Psycholanalysis "babble" from another **Airhead** on a web forum that debates TB 2000 (TIME BOMB 2000) by an "anonymous poster" about someone that he/she has never met.

Truly worth "the cost" or as the saying goes: **free advice cost nothing and is worth the price"***.

And to think how "KIND" I was towards Brer Duct Tape. Why, I even suggested that he be most careful near the two gas wells on his property he bragged about. I repeatedly warned him not to get his HOT AIR near the valves.

Lets see, who was it that was stocking "thousands of rounds" in case the "Pollies" came for "my food" after CDC???

Who posted that it would be a good thing if the "pollies" were to stop doing wasteful things like "breathing air"??

Where is the BLOW HARD, 100 pound overweight sheep dip who would not agree that Y2k was over in January and it was only the "2nd Quarter" but promised "long about July, I will donate my stores to a food bank" then waddled away to post more garbage on the new. (Almost time to report his *verbatim TV interview* from my VCR tape of the News- cast made from is basement hole outside his $13,000 generator used once for minutes (but enough for him to brag about the comfort it gave him).

-- cpr (, June 27, 2000.


He was a "psych" major who couldn't even convince his parents to "prepare" but could convince some dorm buddy to write the same drivel he did. He tried to play around BIFFY and got his ass reamed by a dozen **NORMAL PEOPLE**.

-- cpr (, June 27, 2000.

More evidence of severe psychosis. Amazing, simply amazing. I think I'm going to save all of this documentation as a textbook example. Thanks for allowing me to observe your case.

-- cyber freud (cpr@mental.breakdown), June 27, 2000.

Feel free. Cyber Frog.

If you get to DFW, you can examine my scrotum at the micron level.

-- cpr (, June 27, 2000.

Oh Brian, where are you, I want to come over there and give you a big sloppy kiss on the cheek.

-- Brian is great (, June 27, 2000.

Dear Sigmund, You are very astute. Mr Reubens exhibits symptoms of paranoid-schizophrenia. So far he has only acted out his delusions online but the pattern is to become more overt, seeing anyone and everyone as a threat to his fantasy. His verbal aggressions are likely to escalate to physical violence.

My recommendation is to have him legally committed immediately to Shakey's bunker. For his own protection he should be garbed in a straight jacket and the bunker should be padded. If there is any frothing at the mouth he should also be muzzled and sedated with animal tranquilizers

-- (Joyce_Brothers@your.service), June 27, 2000.

Why thank you my dear Joyce, I am flattered that your observations confirm my diagnosis. What do you say we meet for a cup of java, and perhaps retreat to my place later for a little "ego gratification" if you know what I mean. ;-)

-- cyber freud (sigmund's my name @ sex. is my game), June 28, 2000.

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