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when is the best time to harvest garlic planted in november?
-- emilia mykytiuk (, June 22, 2000
I live in Maine and usually plant my garlic towards the end of Oct. beginnimg of Nov. and harvest it around the last week of July to first week of Aug. after the bottom two sets of leaves have died back. You should be seeing the scapes(Flower stalks) start to come up now and don't forget to cut these off after they curl to encourage bulb growth.Todd
-- Todd Leeman (, June 22, 2000.
I'm in North Carolina. I planted mine in mid to late October and just harvested mine a week or so ago.
-- Mel Carroll (, June 25, 2000.
i planted mine in october and started selling it at the farmers market with the green tops in feb. realized i was going to sell out because it was so popular and replanted in march. didn't think the 2nd crop would do anything but although the sets are smaller the 2nd crop is about ready to pull out of the ground for storage- people really liked the fresh cloves because they didn't have to be peeled. lauren (az)
-- lauren (, June 25, 2000.