Ross : LUSENET : ER Discussions : One Thread |
Tess and Kate Ross are looking for their older brother. If you have any info about Doug Ross' first child, please contact the Ross's in Seattle, Washington. (post your ideas, this should be fun!)
-- cheeze (, June 20, 2000
I live down in Florida home of the Marlins and My daughter goes to school with a Justin Ross. He looks like Tess and Kate's father. He also is the "playa" in the sixth grade. You might want to contact this family. Him and his mother are somewhat trashy though. Hope I helped!
-- meat head (, June 20, 2000.
My neighbor is an 11 year old boy named Ross Douglas Ross. He is a cutie, but a "womanizing s.o.b. His mom says he takes after his daddy, who they have yet to hear from. We live in Austin Texas, here's our number 332- 4819, call for more info. Hope I was a help :)
-- charley (, June 20, 2000.
My son's best friend resembles the man you are talking about, plus, he is a hit with the ladies. He also does things his own way and has no regard for authority
-- twister (, June 25, 2000.