OTFR: Did you email IPs to anyone?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread


On this thread, you wrote:I can't, nor can anyone, know your name and personal ID from looking at your IP address, except for your ISP administrator(s) (ISP stands for Internet Service Provider, the internet company you signed up with. They know your name and other personal data that you gave them when you signed up, but they won't give it out to anyone except perhaps if there's a warrant.)

Hope this answers your questions.


-- Old TB2K Forum Regular (freespeech@yahoo.com), June 14, 2000.

Simple question: Have you emailed any IPs to anyone?

-- anon (anon@anon.anon), June 19, 2000



-- threadt-to-thread (thread@to.thread), June 19, 2000.

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